Riot Games has announced that an Arcane season 2-themed collector’s set is coming to Valorant on November 7. It features a bundle of weapons and accessories that draws inspiration from Netflix’s new TV series that takes place in the League of Legends universe.

The weapons include Vi’s Arcane Gauntlets, a brand new melee weapon, and an assault rifle that draws inspiration from Jinx. You can also grab a Player Card, Gun Buddy, and Spray.

If you’d like to get the Arcane Valorant bundle, you have to be quick. It’s available through to December 5, when it will swiftly vanish at 2:00 PM PT.

When’s the Valorant x Arcane Season 2 Collector’s Set Available?

  • Begins: November 7 at 2:00 PM PT
  • Ends: December 5 at 2:00 PM PT

The Valorant Arcane bundle arrives in the shop at 2:00 PM PT on November 7, and is available all the way through to December 5 at the same time.

What’s in the New Arcane Valorant Bundle?

  • Arcane Vandal
  • Arcane Gauntlets
  • Arcane Sisters – Player Card
  • Arcane Enforcer – Gun Buddy
  • Blah – Spray

The Valorant Arcane bundle features two new weapons themed on Jinx and Vi’s arsenal, and a series of cosmetics. That includes a Player Card, Gun Buddy, and Spray. All three draw inspiration from Vi and Jinx in Arcane season 2.

The Arcane Vandal gun has unique VFX, audio, animations, and finisher, while the Arcane Gauntlets are a brand new type of melee weapon.

Here’s what all of the cosmetics look like.

How Much Does the Arcane Valorant Bundle Cost?

Rather frustratingly, Riot Games has remained tight-lipped on how much the Arcane Valorant bundle will cost, so we can only speculate.

The original version, which launched alongside season 1 of Arcane, cost just under 2,400 Valorant Points. There’s a lot more going on in this version though, so we’d expect it to cost considerably more.

Valorant Arcane Twitch Drops

You can earn even more rewards via Twitch Drops, which also draw inspiration from Arcane season 2. The best part? You earn these by watching Arcane season 2 itself right on the official Riot Games or co-streamer Twitch channels.

Here’s how long you have to watch, along with the rewards:

ViPlayer Card30 minutes
JinxPlayer Card60 minutes

You can watch Arcane season 2 on Twitch starting November 9, when Arcane season 2 also arrives on Netflix.

Learn more about the bundle on the official Valorant site.
