Not sure which of the Dungeon Stalkers characters to pick? Our guide, which lists all characters and their respective classes, is here to help.

Here, we will detail everything you need to know about each character, how they play, and what class archetype they fall into.

Dungeon Stalkers is a PvEvP dungeon crawler that plays like an anime version of Dark and Darker. You pick a character then head into challenging dungeons with your friends, seeking out powerful weapons and rewards to loot.

All Dungeon Stalkers Characters and Classes Listed

There are seven characters and classes announced so far for Dungeon Stalkers, each of which falls into a different character archetype.

Hilda – Knight

Hilda is the tank class of the bunch, capable of absorbing damage that others could only dream of. That’s thanks to her powerful plate armour and shield, both of which help her to take powerful hits.

In terms of story, Hilda works for the king and is heading into dungeons to seek out treasure and restore her family’s name.

Urud – Hunter

Prefer to fight with ranged weapons? Urud is the choice for you. Urud remains in the backline of the group, picking off enemies with their bow.

Urud’s plot involves finding their daughter, who went missing in the dungeon.

Nave – Mage

Nave is the caster of the group, who wields the power of the elements as easy as you can breathe. If you like flinging about fireballs, and remaining at a safe distance of enemies, pick the Mage.

Her story involves heading into dungeons to find a way to resurrect her fallen comrades, who, unfortunately, perished in a battle she fled from.

Rio – Rogue

Sneaky Rio is the Rogue of the group, who prefers to stick to the shadows, stabbing enemies in the back rather than taking them on from the front. If you want to sneak around, being selective about when you get into combat, the Rogue is the choice for you.

Rio’s story involves seeking a cure for a terminal illness that threatens to cut her life short. Specifically, she’s seeking red flowers that reportedly cure her illness.

Baran – Fighter

Baran is a powerful melee fighter who can both pack a punch and take one in turn. Wielding mighty two-handed weapons to bring down the strongest opponents in as little as one hit.

In terms of story, Baran is actually Rio’s ally, who has to protect her as she seeks a cure. However, he does have his own agenda, as he’s seeking out the thieve’s guild’s magic stones, who Rio stole.

Clad – Cleric

Clad is the best support class in Dungeon Stalkers. If you like playing as a healer, look no further than the Cleric, who supports their allies with healing and protection abilities.

Clad’s story involves her venturing into the dungeon seeking to restore her lost faith, and those of her allies around her.

Rene – Summoner

If you’d rather avoid fighting almost entirely, in exchange for summoning servants to do so on your behalf, pick Rene. If you’re into Necromancer-style classes in other games, the Summoner is. the closest you’re going to get in Dungeon Stalkers.

Rene is a vampire who has quite a tragic backstory. She’s been alive for a long time and is seeking escape for it, so is trying to learn a spell that will allow her to ‘unsummon’ herself.

Shinobu – Ninja

Shinobu the Ninja is a hybrid mix of Baran, Rio, and Urud. She’s primarily a melee fighter, dealing powerful damage like Baran, but she inherits some of the stealthy abilities of Rio. After all, she doesn’t have powerful armour to protect her.

Like Urud, she can remain at a safe distance, firing off Shurikens to whittle down her opponent’s health before getting up close to finish them off with her daggers.

Lián – Archer

Like Urud, Lián prefers to remain at the back, picking off enemies with her bow. Unlike Urud, though, she combines this with mystical skills and martial arts techniques to bring a varied pool of gameplay to the mix.

Along with Shinobu, Lián should offer a variety of gameplay styles to the mix, operating as somewhat of a hybrid class.
