Fisch dropped the huge Atlantis update over the weekend, which provided a ton of new quests to solve, fish to catch, and items to collect. One of these is a brand new ‘Secret’ fish called ‘Resin’, which you need to solve the new Bubble Mermaid quest.

In this guide, we’re going to detail how you can catch Resin quickly and efficiently, so you can solve the quest and get the Water Bubble. You may need that to solve a few of the new Atlantis puzzles.

How to Catch Resin in Fisch

You can catch Resin using any fishing rod within the Mushgrove Swamp area. You don’t need a specific bait, season, time, or weather to increase your chances.

However, given that Resin is a ‘Secret’ fish, maximising your luck as high as it will go will give you a much higher chance of catching it.

Resin-Catching Build

We’ve put together the build below with the highest possible luck you can have in the game. This will give you the highest chance of catching Resin while in Mushgrove Swamp.

However, you may not have access to the best gear, so we recommend using whatever you have that has the highest luck score at the moment.

Definitely grab the Luck Boost from Merlin if you can, and try and use Weird Algae and the Immortal Enchant on whatever rod you do use.

  • Rod: Rod of the Eternal King
  • Enchant: Immortal
  • Bait: Weird Algae
  • Boost: Luck

Resin Basics

These are the basics you need to know to successfully catch Resin.

  • Rarity: Secret
  • Location: Mushgrove Swamp
  • Sources: Fishing Rods
  • Resilience: 100
  • Progress Speed: -20%

Resin Preferences

Fortunately, there are no preferences that you need to consider when catching Resin. Simply be in Mushgrove Swamp and you have a chance.

  • Weather: N/A
  • Time: N/A
  • Season: N/A
  • Bait: N/A

Resin Value

You probably aren’t catching Resin to make cash, but just in case you have excess, this is how much it’s worth.

  • XP: 250
  • C$/KG: 100
  • Minimum KG: 3KG
  • Minimum C$: 300

Head on over to Roblox to check out the new Atlantis content in Fisch.
