Not sure how Fisch seasons work? Well, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’re going to detail the four different seasons in the game, what they mean, and how long seasons last. We’ll also detail exactly what boost you provide for catching fish during their preferred season.
Fisch Seasons Guide
Here’s everything you need to know about Fisch seasons.
What Are Seasons?
Seasons in Fisch provide a greater chance for fish to spawn during their favoured season. There are four in total: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
How Long Does a Season Last?
Seasons last 576 minutes, or just shy of 10 hours in real life time. They follow the same pattern as real life seasons, with spring moving to summer, summer to autumn, and then autumn to winter.
What’s the Spawn Rate Bonus For Fish During Their Preferred Season?
Fish have a 25% higher spawn rate during their preferred season. You can boost this by 20% by using the Seasons Rod, for a maximum 45% increase in spawn rate for fish that favour the specific season.
Do All Fish Favour a Season?
Nope. Certain fish have a preferred season, while others spawn as normal all year round. Certain fish even have multiple preferred seasons.
Seasonal Fish List
Now, let’s take a look at the fish that favour each specific season. Remember, certain fish may appear on multiple lists as they may favour more than one season.
The following fish have a higher chance to spawn during the spring:
- Cod
- Porgy
- Mullet
- Bluegill
- Herring
- Stingray
- Cookiecutter Shark
- Halibut
- Dolphin
- Piranha
- Bream
- Salmon
- Santa Salmon
- Largemouth Bass
- Grayling
- Sardine
- Neptune’s Nibbler
- Smallmouth Bass
- Swamp Bass
- Corsair Grouper
- Chub
- Sea Bass
- Longtail Bass
- Magma Tang
- Marble Maiden
- Pale Tang
- White Bass
- Blue Tang
- Clownfish
- Bowfin
- Red Tang
- Goblin Shark
- Abyssacuda
- Small Pine Chimera
- Nautulus
- Ancient Eel
- Mackerel
- White Perch
- Shrimp
- Red Drum
- Walleye
- Arctic Char
- Crab
- Palaeoniscus
- Redeye Bass
- Coelacanth
- Suckermouth Catfish
- Midnight Axolotl
- Axolotl
- Whiptail Catfish
- Minnow
- Poseidon’s Perch
- Horseshoe Crab
- Anchovy
- Slate Tuna
- Amberjack
- Mosaic Swimmer
- Snook
- Hyneria
- Luminescent Minnow
- Cutlass Fish
- Whirlpool Marlin
- Lapisjack
- Voidfin Mahi
- Mahi Mahi
- Cyclone Mako
- Sailfish
- Banditfish
- Bull Shark
- Alligator
- Great Hammerhead Shark
- Handfish
- Glacier Pike
- Pike
- Long Pike
You have a higher chance to catch the following fish during the summer:
- Night Shrimp
- Cockatoo Squid
- Porgy
- Mullet
- Bluegill
- Herring
- Stingray
- Cookiecutter Shark
- Halibut
- Dolphin
- Red Snapper
- Phantom Ray
- Nurse Shark
- Cobia
- Whale Shark
- Sand Dollar
- Pollock
- Sunken Silverscale
- Starfish
- Prawn
- Yellowfin Tuna
- Oyster
- Pumpkinseed
- Goldfish
- Lobster
- Vortex Barracuda
- Siren Singer
- Helios Ray
- Ribbon Eel
- Rockstar Hermit Crab
- Ember Snapper
- Bluefish
- Napoleonfish
- Swordfish
- Bluefin Tuna
- Spider Crab
- Cursed Eel
- Alligator Gar
- King Oyster
- Mushgrove Crab
- Pufferfish
- Sunfish
- Crown Bass
- Captain’s Goldfish
- Golden Seahorse
- Barreleye Fish
- Sea Pickle
- Manta Ray
- Obsidian Swordfish
- Void Angler
- Molten Banshee
- Mustard
- Banana
- Largemouth Bass
- Grayling
- Sardine
- Neptune’s Nibbler
- Smallmouth Bass
- Swamp Bass
- Corsair Grouper
- Chub
- Sea Bass
- Longtail Bass
- Magma Tang
- Marble Maiden
- Pale Tang
- White Bass
- Blue Tang
- Clownfish
- Bowfin
- Red Tang
- Goblin Shark
- Abyssacuda
- Small Spine Chimera
- Nautilus
- Ancient Eel
- Lingcod
- Trumpetfish
- Catfish
You have a higher chance to encounter the following fish during the autumn:
- Scallop
- Anglerfish
- Lurkerfish
- Red Snapper
- Phantom Ray
- Nurse Shark
- Cobia
- Whale Shark
- Mackerel
- White Perch
- Shrimp
- Red Drum
- Walleye
- Arctic Char
- Crab
- Palaeoniscus
- Redeye Bass
- Coelacanth
- Suckermouth Catfish
- Midnight Axolotl
- Axolotl
- Whiptail Catfish
- Gazerfish
- Haddock
- Sockeye Salmon
- Chinfish
- Lingcod
- Trumpetfish
- Catfish
- Glacier Pike
- Pike
- Long Pike
- Sweetfish
- Burbot
- Abyss Snapper
- Chinook Salmon
- Hallucigenia
- Brine Phantom
- Maelstrom Shark
- Golden Smallmouth Bass
- Sawfish
- Wiifish
- Turkey
- Ornament Fish
Winter is the best season for catching fish, with the most favoured species of all of seasons.
- Cod
- Scallop
- Anglerfish
- Lurkerfish
- Mussel
- Spiderfish
- Galleon Goliath
- Beccaneer Barracuda
- Frostling Goby
- Snowflake Smelt
- Frost Minnow
- Crystal Chorus
- Twilight Eel
- Tempest Ray
- Icy Salmon
- Snowgill Dace
- Frigid Shrimp
- Ice Eel
- Ice Anchovy
- Icy Carp
- Icy Walleye
- Oracle’s Eye
- Snowback Char
- Xiphactinus
- Scurvy Sailfish
- Chillback Whitefish
- Ice Jellyfish
- Acanthodii
- Swamp Scallop
- Squid
- Frigid Crab
- Iced Perch
- Ice Octopus
- Typhoon Tuna
- Icy Goldfish
- Glacier Swordfish
- Icebreaker Haddock
- Voidscale Guppy
- Icy Tuna
- Shiverfin Haddock
- Snowfish
- Frigid Taco
- Frozen Pike
- Frostbite Flounder
- Pyrogrub
- Icefang Barracuda
- Chillfin Herring
- Keepers Guardian
- Dweller Catfish
- Marsh Gar
- Polar Alligator
- Borealis Snapper
- Dumbo Octopus
- Frigid Antlers
- Obsidian Salmon
- Moonfish
- Frostjaw Cod
- Pond Emperor
- Umbral Shjark
- Oarfish
- Frigid Mammoth Tusk
- Aurora Trout
- Frozen Walnut
- Mutated Shark
- Icebeard Shark
- Glacial Sturgeon
- Sea Snake
- King Jellyfish
- Celestial Koi
- Skelefish
- Candy Fish
- Zombiefish
- Gingerbread Fish
- Santa Pufferfish
- Candy Cane Carp
- Night Shrimp
- Cockatoo Squid
- Piranha
- Bream
- Salmon
- Santa Salmon
- Gazerfish
- Haddock
- Sockeye Salmon
- Chinfish
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