HoYoverse has detailed the events coming soon to Genshin Impact as part of Phase II of the version 5.2 update. These include the banners and trial challenge you’d expect, alongside an RTS-themed challenge and double drops event.

The five star characters Neuvillette (Hydro) and Zhongli (Geo) will experience higher drop rates from their respective banners. If you’re looking for a strong new weapon, the five stars Tome of the Eternal Flow and Vortex Vanquisher lead the charge in the weapons banner.

Let’s take a look at the full list of events coming soon to Genshin Impact.

New Banners: Neuvillette and Zhongli

To use their full titles, “Ordainer of Inexorable Judgement” Neuvillette (Hydro) and “Vago Mundo” Zhongli (Geo) will see boosted drop rates during their respective banners.

You will also get a higher chance of dropping several four star characters during each event too. Here’s everything you need to know about each banner.

Decree of the Wisps

  • Begins: December 10
  • Ends: December 31

Decree of the Wisps kicks off on December 10, and will run throughout the remainder of the month, ending on December 31.

Here are the characters you have a higher chance of grabbing:

“Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment” Neuvillette5Hydro
“Analytical Harmoney” Shikanoin Heizou4Anemo
“Prinzessin der Verurteiling!” Fischl4Electro
“Burgeoning Grace” Yaoyao4Dendro

Gentry of Hermitage

  • Begins: December 10
  • Ends: December 31

Gentry of Hermitage runs alongside Decree of the Wisps and provides you with an opportunity to collect a different batch of characters.

This particular banner includes:

“Vago Mundo” Zhongli5Geo
“Analytical Harmoney” Shikanoin Heizou4Anemo
“Prinzessin der Verurteiling!” Fischl4Electro
“Burgeoning Grace” Yaoyao4Dendro

Epitome Invocation

  • Begins: December 10
  • Ends: December 31

The last banner is the weapon banner, which provides you with a five star Catalyst and Polearm. There are also a bunch of four star weapons, which may come in handy.

Here are the weapons you can pull for:

Tome of the Eternal Flow5Catalyst
Vortex Vanquisher5Polearm
Mitternachts Waltz4Bow
Favonius Sword4Sword
Favonius Greatsword4Claymore
Dragon’s Bane4Polearm
Sacrificial Fragments4Catalyst

Notes About Banners

In case you’re one of the few that aren’t aware, or haven’t played in a while, here are a few things to bear in mind when pulling in banners:

  • The ‘guarantee count’ (pity system) is shared between the two banners
  • You can participate in a test run to check out the above characters to see if you’re interested in any of them

Adventurer’s Trials: Metamorphosis

  • Begins: December 11
  • Ends: December 23

Adventurer’s Trials: Metamorphosis tasks you with completing a series of combat challenges to earn rewards. These include:

  • Primogems
  • Hero’s Wit
  • Sanctifying Unction

You have to be at least Adventure Rank 20 to participate.

Exercise Surging Storm

What? Genshin Impact is an RTS now? Well, HoYoverse is referring to this event as a ‘wargame’, which tracks.

You have to assess your opponent’s units, select units that will make short work of them, and then watch it play out.

If you’re successful, you can earn the following rewards:

  • Primogems
  • Hero’s Wit
  • Character Talent Materials

You need to be at least Adventure Rank 20 to participate, as well as beat the following quest:

  • Archon Quest Prologue: Act III “Song of the Dragon and Freedom”

Ley Line Overflow

  • Begins: December 23
  • Ends: December 30

This is a double drops event, which provides you with twice the rewards for completing a Blossom of Wealth or Revelation.

You only get double rewards for your first three drops per day though.

Learn more about the upcoming events in the official blog post on HoYoLAB.
