Hot off the heels of yesterday’s version 3.0 pre-download announcement, HoYoverse is back with a brand new character trailer showing off the upcoming Herta.

It’s surprisingly lengthy, and sees the genius herself take to the stage while hordes of puppet variants play musical instruments and generally do her bidding.

The production comes courtesy of ‘Herta TV’. which sees our “hero” putting on a showcase of her talents in puppet form. It’s a bit weird and unsettling, frankly.

Is Herta the Bad Guy?

In fact, Herta comes across as a bit of a villain throughout the trailer, which seemingly showcases her plans for worldwide domination.

Fortunately, Herta is here to save the day. Err, what? It all ends up a little bit Marvel multiverse, with Herta appearing to defeat an evil version of herself to save the day.

Who is Herta’s English Voice Actor?

So many Hertas make an appearance in the trailer that there are a total of seven voice credits for the one character.

Fortunately, they are all voiced by the same actor, PJ Mattson.

Everything We Know About Herta so Far

Now that the trailer is out of the way, let’s take a look at the character herself. Herta is a four star character that follows the ‘Erudition’ combat path. She’s an Ice type who seemingly fights with a gigantic hammer.

RarityFour Stars
How to GetClear Worlds 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9 of the Simulated Universe at difficulty I

You can get Herta for free by clearing the Simulated Universe Worlds 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9 at difficulty I.

Her combat abilities are as follows:

What Are You Looking At?Basic AttackDeal Ice Damage equal to 50-110% of Herta’s ATK to a single target
One-Time OfferSkillDeal Ice Damage equal to 50-110% of Herta’s ATK to all enemies

Those with 50% or higher HP receive 20% more damage
It’s Magic, I Added Some MagicUltimateDeal Ice DMG equal to 120-216% of Herta’s ATK to all enemies
Fine, I’ll Do It MyselfTalentWhen an ally’s attack reduces an enemy’s HP below 50%, Herta follows up and deals 25-43% of her attack as Ice Damage to all enemies
It Can Still Be OptimisedTechniqueHerta increases her attack by 40% for three turns after using her Technique

Check out the full announcement on the official Honkai Star Rail website.
