Gambler Fever is a ‘Special’ grade Innate Technique in Jujutsu Infinite that specialises in summoning objects to perform damage in your stead.

It’s not a particularly mobile move set, but it more than makes up for that with its knock back abilities and AoE. The ‘Fever’ passive ability can also help mitigating this, by boosting your speed, but it’s not active at all times.

In this guide, you will learn everything there is to know about the Gambler Fever Innate Technique. We also recommend checking out our list of Jujutsu Infinite Innate Techniques as well as our tier list to learn more.

Jujutsu Infinite Gambler Fever Guide

Gambler Fever is a Special grade Innate Technique in Jujutsu Infinite, with a 0.25% drop rate.

It specialises in AoE damage, knock backs, and boosting your stats with careful usage of the ‘Fever’ passive.

There’s a lot of depth top this moveset, which requires a bit of mastery to make the most out of.

Gambler Fever Passives

Fever MeterBuild up ‘fever’ whenever you use Domain Expansion. When full, gain increased speed, damage, HP regeneration, and cooldown reduction.

Gambler Fever Moves

Closing CurtainsAttack your opponent with a train’s shutter door, dealing damage

– Scales with: Technique
– Guard Break
– Chantable
Pachinko RushDeal damage to your opponent, knocking them back

– Scales with: Technique
Cargo HaulAttack an opponent and knock them back.

– Scales with: Technique
– Guard Break
RendezvousDeal damage several times to any opponents in a specific area

– Scales with: Technique
– Chantable
Slot SlamAttack opponents in an area

– Scales with: Technique

Gambler Fever Domain Expansion

Domain ExpansionDescription
Idle Death GambleProvides access to the fever metre. See our ‘Fever Meter’ breakdown in the passive section above for more details.

– Lowers your defence

You can learn more about the Innate Technique on the official Jujutsu Infinite Trello.
