There are a wide variety of Jujutsu Infinite rings you can equip to increase your stats and, occasionally, gain a powerful status effect alongside it.

One of the best of these is the Rotten Ring, which provides a powerful boost to your technique stat. Alongside this, you also gain a boost to your damage whenever you’re guardbroken.

Let’s get one thing straight: so many abilities in Jujutsu Infinite are guardbreaks, so you’re going to get guardbroken a lot. The buff lasts 15 seconds, so that could end up being a permanent buff.

In this guide, we’re going to detail exactly how to get the Rotten Ring, as well as the exact stat bonus and status effect you can expect from it.

Jujutsu Infinite Rotten Ring Guide

How to Get the Rotten Ring

To get the Rotten Ring, you want to participate in Yasohachi Bridge Investigations. That’s because you have a chance to get the ring from chests as a special grade drop.

If you’d rather skip the chance aspect, you can just craft it straight up. It will cost you 200 Yasohachi Bridge Keys, so some grinding is definitely required.

Rotten Ring Stats

The Rotten Ring features the following stats:

  • HP: +0
  • Strength: +34.3
  • Technique: +42.9

And you gain the following effect:

Rot CurseWhen guardbroken, you gain a 10% damage bonus for 15 seconds

You can learn more about the Rotten Ring by visiting the official Jujutsu Infinite Trello.

Why Use the Rotten Ring

The Rotten Ring has two primary benefits: it boosts your technique stat, which most of the best Jujutsu Infinite Innate Techniques moves scale off.

The other benefit is the effect: Rot Curse. Given that you get guardbroken a lot in this game, the 15% damage boost you get as a result becomes almost permanent.
