The Scroll of Golden Wind is a brand new item introduced during the Lunar New Year event in Jujutsu Infinite. If you manage to collect it, you unlock a brand new skill, ‘Golden Wind’, permanently. This provides you with a powerful AoE ability that you can use in battle to decimate your opponents.

In this guide, we’re going to detail the steps you can take to get your hands on the Scroll of Golden Wind. We’ll also detail exactly what the unlockable skill does.

Jujutsu Infinite Scroll of Golden Wind Guide

Now, let’s take a look at everything you need to know about the Scroll of Golden Wind in Jujutsu Infinite.

What’s the Scroll of Golden Wind?

The Scroll of Golden Wind is a brand new collectible item that launched during Jujutsu Infinite’s Lunar New Year event in 2025.

It’s a Special rarity scroll that you can use to unlock the ‘Golden Wind’ skill, which is a powerful AoE attack.

How to Get the Scroll of Golden Wind

There are two ways you can get the Scroll of Golden Wind:

  • Purchase the Lunar New Year Bundle, which costs 2,099 Robux
  • Participate in the event to get it for free

Even participating in the event has multiple methods of unlocking the Scroll of Golden Wind:

  • Open red envelope chests to get a chance to get the scroll as a Special grade drop
  • Purchase it from the Black Market for 150 Snake Talismans

Fortunately for you, we’ve already put together a guide on how to get Snake Talismans in Jujutsu Infinite. So, if you want to take the farming method, follow that and you’ll have it in no time.

What’s the Golden Wind Skill?

Performing the Golden Wind skill provides you with a massive fan that lets you create a gigantic golden tornado that deals AoE damage to anyone in front of it.

Play Jujutsu Infinite on Roblox to participate in the Lunar New Year event.
