Our Lord of Nazarick tier list ranks all of the characters from S tier to D tier to help you determine the best party members to add to your group.

We will update this whenever a new character arrives in Lord of Nazarick, and alongside balance patches. That way, you can adjust your party as necessary.

If you’re just getting started in the latest Crunchyroll gacha, check out our Lord of Nazarick codes and pre-registration rewards guide. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the full tier list.

Lord of Nazarick Tier List

This is our Lord of Nazarick tier list based on the launch build of the game. We will update it whenever a new character arrives and if Crunchyroll balances any of the characters.

SAlbedo, Lord’s Armour, Shalltear (Valkyrie), Evileye, Renner, Yuri
AAni, Aura, Brian, Momon, Shalltear, Aura, Nabe
BClementine, Death Knight, Edelstein, Edom, Enfilia, Gagran, Hamsuke, Ivirai, Jagham, Cocytus, Mare, Pandora’s Actor, Ainz Ooal Gown
CKhajit, Lana, Luke Lott, Lupusregina, Nabe, Narberal, Negan, Nia, Peter Mock, Salius, Sebastian, Suo Liuxiang, Vampire Bride, Xizi, Gazef, Demiurge
DBritta, Chiefka Zuzu, Clem, Dyne, Hilma, Igvarki, Peshilian, Schullingen, Sixiu Juju, Sebas

Who Are the Best Characters?

We consider the best characters in Lord of Nazarick to be:

  • Albedo
  • Renner
  • Shalltear (Valkyrie Armour)
  • Evileye
  • Yuri

Let’s take a closer look at each unit to determine what we like about them and why we placed them at the top of our tier list.

Shalltear (Valkyrie Armour)

The Valkyrie variant of Shalltear is without a doubt the best tank in Lord of Nazarick. Shalltear can buff the entire team to reduce the damage they receive, as well as take a lot of damage themselves.


Evileye is a solid addition to any group, as they are one of the highest DPS units currently available. The best defence is a good offence, they say, and it doesn’t get better than Evileye.


Yuri is a great support character who has great crowd control abilities and, while not quite as strong as Shalltear in the defence department, can still take a punch.


Renner is a terrific support hero that can heal, increase critical hit rate, and boost your turn meter for the entire party. You will definitely feel it if you leave this character out of your party.

How to Reroll

To reroll in Lord of Nazarick, follow these steps:

  • When first starting Lord of Nazarick, choose ‘Guest Account’
  • Play until you can perform your first roll
  • If you didn’t get the character you wanted, delete the game
  • Repeat the steps
