We’ve put together a list of Neverness to Everness characters that you can collect via the gacha when it eventually arrives. Publisher Perfect World Games hasn’t released a huge amount of info about the pool so far, but we’ve put together what’s out there all the same.

Neverness to Everness is basically Perfect World’s answer to Genshin Impact or Zenless Zone Zero. It’s an open world gacha RPG that takes place in the city of Hethereau.

You wander or drive around, battling enemies, collecting characters, and even building up your own business. You can customise your vehicles too. Let’s take a look at the full list of characters.

Neverness to Everness Characters

Perfect World Games has only formally announced five characters so far. Let’s take a look at them in closer detail.


Fadia is the psychopath of the group. Like a cat, she enjoys messing with her prey. She’s unpredictable, and will ignore direct orders from command in favour of whatever it is she wants to do.

And that usually involves violence.


Mint is effectively the main character of Neverness to Everness. She’s friendly and helpful, and remembers everything and everyone in the city of Hethereau.


Nanally runs the antique shop in Eibon, and is the matriarch of her own family, which dwells in the Bridge District of Hethereau.

She’s a tough cookie for her age and stops at nothing to fight evil.


Sakiri is a bit passive aggressive. You know, she’s the type that leaves notes around asking people to do things.

She’s also a little volatile, and is quick to anger.


Hotori is an antiques shop owner that is as capable of spotting the best treasures as she is at bargaining for them.

She’s as ruthless in business as she is in battle.


Lacrimosa is freakishly strong, and capable of lifting up and shaking vending machines with ease.

She also really, really likes tomatoes. That’s all we know about her so far.


Is Taygedo a dog? Is he a walking TV? We won’t find out until launch.

Either way, this is our favourite character so far.

Keep a close eye to the Neverness to Everness X for more announcements.
