At 8:00 PM PST today, November 20, Once Human will enter maintenance and come out the other side with a bunch of new features. That includes the long-awaited 2.0 variant of the Scenario Sign Up System.
The 1.3.2 patch notes also include the permanent addition of the Gather Friends system, as well as a ton of new cosmetics. This includes the Doomsday Lifestyle collection and the Techno Stampede Lightforge Loot Crate.
Rounding out the update are a huge – and we mean huge – number of bug fixes and tweaks to Dungeons, Eternaland, Public Crisis events, and, well, everything else.

Scenario Sign-Up System 2.0
Effectively, the new system will allow you to pre-register for Select Scenarios and Select Prismverse’s Clash Scenario. You can also select faction balance mechanisms, or sign up as a team.
We’ve included the official infographic above, which does an excellent job of explaining all of the new mechanics.

Permanent Gather Friends System
The Gather Friends system will become a permanent fixture, allowing you to share items and gather Friendship Points for additional rewards.
These rewards include limited cosmetics, like namecards and themes.

New Cosmetics: Doomsday Lifestyle and Techno Stampede
There are a whole host of new cosmetics arriving in Once Human with the latest update. These include the Doomsday Lifestyle collection and the Jungle Night Light packs, which are available at a temporary 35% discount in the shop.
Elsewhere, there’s a new Lightforge Loot Crate: Techno Stampede, which launches on November 22. This includes the Nightmare Bringer fashion set, a new M416 skin, and the Electro Cat cradle skin.
Last, but certainly not least, the Wilderness Fighter set and Black Gold Fighter theme packs will arrive in the store at some point next week.
Once Human Update 1.3.2 Patch Notes
Now, let’s round up all of the additional changes and fixes in the latest massive update.
1. Added grid alignment functionality to walls, roofs, and furniture surfaces.
2. Optimized the placement calculation rules in Construction mode.
Previous: Select the building you want to place, then move the cursor to the target location. A placement that meets the snapping and load requirements is recommended based on the target and the direction of the cursor movement.
Now: Select the building you want to place, then move the cursor to the target location. If snapping and load requirements are met, the building can be placed; if not, the indicator will be red and warning text will be displayed.
Developer Note: Many players reported that previously, buildings could only be placed if the cursor pointed to an object they could snap to, which felt clunky. Under the new rules, you just have to place a building, and it will automatically snap into place.
3. Due to changes in facility categorization, we have also changed the facility placement limits. If an existing blueprint has excess facilities, a pop-up will be shown with the following message: “Due to facility limit changes, any excess facilities in your current blueprint will be removed after construction. Please re-save your blueprint once completed!”
Category Changes:
All agricultural facilities have been merged into one category, including the Planter Box, Loamy Soil, Irrigation Facility, Grow Light, and Compost Bin.
Shortened the names of some structures and facilities in Construction mode.
1. Optimized Securement Silo – Taurus in The Way of Winter scenario.
– Changed the region access restrictions.
– Reduced the number and strength of enemies in the dungeon, and changed the spawn locations of Super Anomalies.
2. Optimized the skill warning effects of Empty House in Securement Silo – PSI. The duration of the danger zone indicator has been extended.
3. Optimized the difficulty of Securement Silo – Delta. The dungeon has been simplified and the number and density of enemies in the dungeon have been reduced.
4. Optimized the way skipping cutscenes works in multiplayer dungeons. Each player can now choose separately whether to skip or watch the cutscene.
5. Reduced the damage of the Secret Servitor’s skills during its light phase.
6. Weakened the stagger effect of the Secret Servitor’s lightning skill during its light phase.
7. Added a tip during the Secret Servitor’s dark phase: “Quickly light up the runes to reduce the damage reduction of the Secret Servitor.”
8. Changed a boss mutation that may appear in Securement Silo – EX1 in the Manibus and Evolution’s Call scenarios. ‘Energy Surge’ has been changed to ‘Berserk.’
9. Optimized the ‘Winged Warriors’ mutation. Its effect is now: “The boss takes 10% more DMG. When the boss’s HP falls below 33%, it will summon 9 Stinger Bulbflies. The boss takes -10% DMG for each living Stinger Bulbfly on the battlefield. The mutation also no longer applies to Elite enemies in the Monolith, the HP and Attack of Stinger Bulbflies have been greatly reduced, and all Stinger Bulbflies will now die when the boss is killed.”
10. Optimized the ‘Careless’ mutation. Its effect is now (using Pro difficulty as the example): “Enemies gain 15% HP, and take 30% more DMG from the first attack.”
1. Added the ability to discard items in bulk from the Backpack.
2. Increased the stack limit of some materials.
3. Optimized the usability of the inter-season resource inheritance system.
4. Prism Deviations can no longer be converted into Astral Sand in the Backpack.
5. Added a mail system to Eternaland. It operates independently from the mail system on season servers.
6. Added the ability to discard or store items from all Spacetime Backpacks while in Eternaland.
1. Keyword Suffix Mod Boxes dropped in Public Crisis Events now grant a Keyword Suffix Mod Self-Selection Crate when opened with a Controller.
2. In The Way of Winter scenario, high-level Chaosweavers now drop Keyword Suffix Mod Self-Selection Crates.
3. Added the ability to search for mods by suffix or attribute. You can also now search for multiple keywords separated by spaces, and case sensitivity no longer applies.
4. On the Mods tab at the Disassembly Bench, filtering by mod rarity has been replaced with filtering by highest attribute, and sorting by attribute level has been added. This should make it easier for you to select unneeded mods in bulk.
5. Added the ability to sort the Mod Backpack by time obtained.
6. The number of mods required to unlock a mod for Mod Conversion will now be updated based on the number of corresponding mods in the Mod Backpack.
Public Crisis Events
1. Optimized the ‘Dig to Hell’ Public Crisis Event:
– Extended the duration of the portal that appears after the event ends.
– Increased the HP of The Scorcher when many players are present in ‘Dig to Hell – High Risk.’
– After the event is upgraded to Legend, a portal that leads to the final area will appear at the event’s entrance.
2. Added combat invitation functionality to the ‘Close Encounter: Manibus’ Public Crisis Event.
3. You can now preview rewards and check already obtained rewards on the screen after completing a Public Crisis Event
4. Increased the speed at which disco balls rise when multiple players are dancing in the ‘Where Does Disco Go?’ Public Crisis Event. This should make it easier to upgrade the incident.
5. Optimized the reward cooldown indicator for recently completed Public Crisis Events. You can now view the remaining reward cooldown time for the current Public Crisis Event on the event’s details screen.
1. Adjusted the Weakspot DMG multiplier for some enemies.
2. Fixed an issue where Frostellas did not trigger their mechanics when critically injured.
3. Fixed an issue where enemy corpses disappeared too quickly after death.
4. Adjusted the mechanics of the shielded Elite enemies in The Forsaken Giant dungeon on Pro difficulty. The shield can now be broken by throwing Flower Buds, and the enemies can be instantly killed by The Forsaken Giant’s pound attack.
5. Adjusted the explosion damage caused by some fire-type enemies upon death in The Way of Winter.
6. Fixed an issue where the death and turning animations of some new enemies in The Way of Winter were incorrect.
Character Controls
1. Optimized the movement speed and throwing mechanics when using telekinesis.
2. Added a ‘Switch to Melee Weapon’ button. Players on mobile can now easily switch to their melee weapon.
3. Optimized the responsiveness of pressing the key to enter OTS.
1. Optimized the visual effects of some Morphed Deviations.
2. Added the ability to rename Deviations. You can now give Deviations a custom name at their Securement Units.
3. Added a Deviation Storage Crate where you can store your Deviations.
4. Optimized the collision of Deviations in the territory. Non-combat Deviations will no longer have collisions.
1. Optimized the weather effects in the novice region.
2. Added a setting for weather reminders. You can go to Settings > Game Settings > Gameplay > Dynamic Interface. You can choose to show notifications for all weather, show them only for unusual weather (caused by Chaosweavers etc.), or disable them.
3. Changed the rewards for ‘Frozen Loot Crate’ Riddle Spots at Onyx Tundra in The Way of Winter from Stardust Source to weapon accessories. These weapon accessories are rewards from Riddle Spots in Eastern Nalcott. If you have already obtained the accessories in Eastern Nalcott, you cannot obtain them again.
Reporting System
1. Reduced the cooldown of the reporting function to 5 minutes.
2. Added a display of the remaining cooldown time for reporting.
3. Changed the control for reporting vehicle parking violations. To reduce accidental reports, you now have to press and hold the key.
1. Your character’s current Shield is now displayed on the screen.
2. Adjusted the appearance of Stardust Flora to better match the temperature at the time of the player’s death.
3. A model of the last completed drink is now displayed while crafting at the Bartender Table.
Co-Dev Feedback Platform
Added a showcase of the most frequently reported bugs and suggestions. Each listed issue will include information on how it is being addressed and the expected resolution timeline. This feature aims to improve communication with players, ensuring your concerns are responded to promptly.
Bug Fixes
1. Fixed an issue where Overflow blueprints would not work in some situations.
2. Fixed an issue where the Surge Empowerment buff would not correctly replace the previous buff.
3. Fixed an issue where excess Exp would sometimes prevent blueprint enhancements.
1. Fixed an issue where the trait descriptions of animal hides were incorrect.
2. Fixed an issue where some animals would not produce hides.
3. Fixed an issue where some animals would not produce hides when killed in the wilderness.
1. Fixed an issue where ZapCam could not target dummies.
2. Fixed an issue affecting collisions between ZapCam and the player.
3. Fixed an issue where ZapCam’s Deviant Power consumption was too fast.
4. Fixed an issue where Simplified Chinese text in some Deviation archive entries was incorrect.
5. Fixed an issue where some Deviations could not be picked up in scenarios other than The Way of Winter.
6. Fixed an issue where Growshroom would stop harvesting crops if its backpack data was not reset after becoming full.
Survival Tech
1. Added the Chaosium Lantern’s resource consumption to its description.
2. Fixed an issue where the Psi Intensity buff provided by the ‘Colossal Hunt’ Thermal Tower tech did not work.
3. The new ‘Refining Facility: Smelting’ specialization now applies to Super Refineries.
Territory Construction
1. Fixed an issue where Tri Roofs would not adhere perfectly when used to create a hexagonal roof.
1. Fixed an issue where the Romantic Misty Purple Street cosmetic pack’s curved wall and rev curved wall models appeared the same when placed.
1. Fixed an issue where entering coordinates on the map sometimes would not work.
Vending Machine and Wish Machine
1. Fixed an issue that allowed linked items to be sold in Vending Machines.
2. Fixed an issue where Wish Machine prize pool information was incorrect in the second phase of some scenarios.
1. Reduced the BGM volume during the Secret Servitor fight.
2. Removed the sound effect that played constantly when using the Snowmobile.
1. Fixed an issue where enemies would keep spawning even after defeating the Empty House in Securement Silo – PSI in The Way of Winter.
1. Fixed an issue where players sometimes could not press ‘F’ to interact with Stardust Ore and Gold Ore deposits.
1. Fixed an issue that allowed Deviations with Prism Energy to be converted into Astral Sand.
2. Fixed an issue where material cosmetics would not take effect when constructing in Eternaland.
1. Reduced the HP of Super Anomaly – Phase.
Public Crisis Events
1. Fixed an issue where Public Crisis Events in the first phase of the Prismverse’s Clash would not refresh.
1. Fixed an issue where players could pass through containers in the dark at Fiskur Harbor.
Once Human