Along with every other free to play game, Once Human has announced a Halloween event known as ‘Hallow’s Masquerade’. It features new items in the shop, Twitch Drops, a fashion show, screenshot contest, and more.

We’re going to round up all of the new content so you know how you can get involved. We’re also going to detail what you can get in the Hollow’s Masquerade Lightforge Loot Crate. It features a Fashion Set, Weapon Skins, Furniture, and more.

The sad news (for some, at least) is that the current Lightforge Loot Crate: Electro Bash is no more. Hollow’s Masquerade arrived on October 25, at 10:00 AM local time.

Once Human Halloween Twitch Drops

  • Begins: October 17
  • Ends: November 14
  • What: Watch Twitch to earn cosmetic rewards

There are some terrific rewards in Once Human’s Halloween Twitch Drops event. You can check them out above, but the full list includes:

RewardTypeHours Watched
Kitty’s Hat-TrickWeapon Charm1
Dark Pumpkin LanternLantern2
Wilderness Outlaw HoodHeadwear4
Terror HeadwearHeadwear6

To get the lot, simply watch at least six hours of Once Human streams.

Social Media Screenshot Competition

  • Begins: October 25
  • Ends: October 31
  • What: Post screenshots on social media to earn rewards
  • Eligible platforms: X, Facebook, NAVER

Sticking with social media rewards, we have the Halloween Fashion Show. This challenges you to take your best photos then share them on select social media platforms to get a chance at earning prizes.

You can enter via in-game screenshots or real life Halloween costumes. All you have to do is post them on X, Facebook, or NAVER along with the following hashtags: #OnceHuman #OHhalloween.

Once Human will then select the ten best entries and provide your rewards. These include a $50 Steam Card!

Haunternaland Homestead

  • Begins: October 25
  • Ends: November 1
  • What: Share your Eternaland code on Discord, earning rewards for numbers of visits/votes

Dress up your Eternaland in spooky decorations and you could earn gift cards. Simply share the following on the Discord event channel to participate:

  • Screenshots of your spooky Eternaland
  • Share code
  • Regional and server ID
  • #Haunternaland
  • When you’ll be there
  • If you’re providing gifts

Once Human will select the winners based on the number of votes and visits. Players can vote on their favourites within Discord, as well as visit it in game. It all counts!

Here’s the full list of prizes up for grabs.

Midnight Prankster Set1
$50 Gift Card2-3
$25 Gift Card4-5
$10 Gift CardLuck

Discord Screenshot Contest

  • Begins: October 25
  • Ends: November 1

Sticking with the Discord competitions, we also have a screenshot variant. This is very open to interpretation, as you simply have to find ‘Halloween vibes’ within the game.

Simply post your screens on the Discord event channel along with the hasthag #SpooktacularSnapshots to enter. Other players will then vote, with the highest votes getting prizes.

Here are the prizes you can earn:

Twilight Feast NightTerritory Decoration1-3
WhammyMelee Weapon Skin4-6
$10Gift Card7-10
Ghostly Lens MasterTitle1-10
$10Gift CardLuck

Lightforge Loot Crate: Hallow’s Masquerade

Here’s what you can get in the Hallow’s Masquerade loot box, including the probability they have for dropping:

Twilight Feast NightLegendaryTerritory Pack0.9%
Phantom MirageLegendaryTerritory Collection0.9%
Midnight PranksterLegendaryFashion Set0.9%
Night’s Gaze – KamLegendaryWeapon Skin0.9%
Whammy – Heavy WeaponEpicMelee Weapon Skin3.2%
Furniture Formula: Modern StoveEpicFurniture3.2%
World TravelEpicCradle Cosmetic58.5%
Ghost Party – M416EpicWeapon Skin58.5%
Ghost Party – AWS.338EpicWeapon Skin58.5%
Altered FacadeEpicMakeup Pack58.5%
Mocker’s MaskEpicMask58.5%
Lonely MusicianEpicDecal58.5%
Pumpkin HeadEpicWeapon Charm58.5%
Shadow PumpkinEpicCradle Charm58.5%
Dark VisionEpicSticker58.5%
The UnionEpicSticker58.5%
Industrial Gear ClockRareFurniture Formula37.4%
Simple Wall-Mounted RackRareFurniture Formula37.4%
Night PrayerRareSolo Action37.4%
Jogger’s VestRareFashion Item37.4%
Skybreeze PantsRareFashion Item37.4%

Once Human Halloween Shop Items Sold Separately

You can also purchase a few Halloween items separately, including a Furniture Pack, solo action, and some cosmetics. Here’s a list:

  • Elegant Dining Room
  • Deep Sea Plush Headwear
  • Scholar Sunglasses
  • Wipe Glass

You can learn more about the Hallow’s Masquerade event on Steam.
