Once Human has unleashed a major update, addressing a number of issues thrown up by its most recent release, Prismverse’s Clash. We’ve scoured the patch notes to bring you a breakdown of the major issues that the team has resolved.
Before we get to that though, Prismverse’s Clash is a PvP scenario that arrived in Once Human late in September. It saw you team up with either Mayfly or Rosetta as you strived to capture and secure Prism Deviations in a specified area.
Once Human Patch Notes
Ever since the launch of the PvP scenario, the folks over at Once Human have been keeping an eye on player feedback to bring you the following fixes.

First off, there were a ton of issues with cosmetics, though most notably clipping issues with Bright Cloudlight and hair not appearing with Bear Adventure Headwear. Both are fixed.
You can now invite friends to the H37 Unstable S-Vessel event, perform melee executions without fail, and unlock the Snowfield Adventure avatar after collecting all Lightforge Collection items.
RPG7 and MGL ammo is no longer blocked by water, the season goal crates will no longer contain non-cosmetic rewards, and you can now relocate your territories.
Many Once Human Exploits Are Fixed
In terms of exploits, you can’t flood buildings near teleportation towers to prevent allies from streaming in anymore, and nor can you farm resources using MG Turrets.

Oh, and that SN700 weapon skin that had a crazy spread? That’s fixed, along with territory deviation not losing power when attacked.
A bunch of major HUD issues are also resolved, including promotional videos for Way of Winter, the ‘General’ tab not remembering your chosen channel, and the inability to use unlocked formulas.
The patch notes are incredibly detailed and thorough, and we’ve barely scratched the surface here. If you’d like to read the full notes, head on over to Steam.