Jagex has finally announced the OSRS Leagues V release date for November 27, which will introduce a brand new time-limited event to your favourite MMORPG.

Not only that, but Jagex plans to announce a new feature every single day between today, November 11, and November 25, just before release.

Today’s announcement was that release date, but you can bet we will keep a close eye out every day for the latest announcement.

November 25: More Relics!

Jagex finished up its daily updates with a look at five new Relics coming to OSRS when Leagues V: Raging Echoes launches on November 27.

Here’s a look at what you can unlock:

EquilibriumGain 10% of your total level as additional XP when you gain XP
Pocket Kingdom– Use Managing Miscellania anywhere.
– Workers require 50% less cash, have max appeal, produce double resources, and produce them every hour instead of day.
Treasure Arbiter– Impling Jars and Creatures have a 1/15 chance to drop Clue Scrolls
– Clue Geodes, Clue Nests, and Clue Bottles appear 10x more frequently
– Clue Scrolls have the lowest number of steps possible
– Emote, Falo, and Charlie Clue no longer have item requirements
Production MasterProduction activities are processed at once
Slayer Master– All eligible slayer monsters are always on task
– All slayer task perks unlocked for free
– Rune Pouches, Herb Sacks, and Looting Bags are free
– Skip and block tasks for free
– Gain bonus XP the first time you kill 100 of each unique Slayer monster

November 24: Reloaded Relic

The Reloaded relic allows you to select another relic from any tier beneath it. It’s a brand new Relic to Raging Echoes.

November 23: New Combat Relics

The November 23 update arrived with details of three new Combat Relics that you can unlock to improve, well, combat.

Let’s take a look at them:

Last StandUpon activation:
– Prevents death
– Boosts combat stats temporarily to 225, which drain slowly
– You can’t die for 16 ticks
– Heal based on the damage you deal over these ticks
– Has a three minute cooldown

You can’
Guardian– Summon a Guardian Thrall for 30 minutes
– Attacks targets with the style it’s weak to
– Uses AoE attacks in multi-combat
– Doesn’t work in PvP
Specialist– Special attacks cost 20% and have 100% accuracy
– Gain 10% special attack energy when you fail an accuracy roll
– Restore 15% special attack energy when you kill an NPC

November 22: Relic Passives

In the November 22 update, Jagex revealed more about Relic Passives. These are passive abilities you unlock each time you progress to a different tier of relics.

As ever, OSRS loves an infographic, and we’ve included the detailed breakdown of these passives above. The team has also included a breakdown of what’s changed from previous Leagues:

  • The quintuple drop rate multiplier is now a Tier 4 Relic and now applies to:
    • Twisted Ancestral Colour Kits
    • Holy Ornament Kits
    • Sanguine Ornament Kits
    • Awakener’s Orbs
  • Tier 3 Relics grant double Combat XP alongside other previous bonuses
  • Tier 4 features a quintuple minigame reward rates, which now applies to
    • Marks of Grace
    • Hallowed Marks
    • Brimhaven Vouchers
    • Stardust
  • Tier 1 now includes Farming cycles that are five times faster and Clue Scrolls drop as a Clue box

November 21

We learned about three new Relics that will provide solid utility when skilling. These include the Friendly Forager, Corner Cutter, and Dodgy Deals.

Let’s take a look at how they work:

Friendly ForagerWoodcutting, Fishing, Mining, and Hunting will provide random grimy herbs up to +25 levels higher than your Herblore level can clean

Secondary ingredients have a 90% chance not to be consumed
Corner CutterGain Agility XP when running

Agility courses grant two completion counts and 25% extra XP

Marks of Grace spawn with 10,000 coins

Gain double Pyramid Tops, Hallowed Marks, Crystal Shards, and Brimhaven Vouchers
Dodgy DealsPickpocketing now affects all NPCs nearby, and you keep doing it until you can’t

Thieving checks are always 100% successful

Pickpocketing items are noted

Your coin pouch count is tripled

Stals don’t deplete when stealing
The mini reveals coming soon to OSRS Leagues V.
The reveals, at a glance. (Picture: OSRS)

November 20

Today’s update was a series of mini reveals that showcase some of the smaller (but equally as exciting) changes coming to OSRS with Leagues V.

Let’s take a look at them.

  1. You can purchase a Max Cape from the Lumbridge Sage at Total level 2,277
  2. Items and NPCs respawn at least three times higher
  3. Clans can broadcast League-related achievements
  4. Zulrah isn’t immune to melee damage
  5. Receive a Mega Rare Voucher from Chamers of Xeric, Theatre of Blood, or Tombs of Amascut and exchange it for the exact weapon you want
  6. Cerberus, Sarachnis, and Thermonuclear Smoke Devil are instanced
  7. You don’t need to complete While Guthix Sleeps to access the Tormented Demons
  8. Potions and Ingredients will remain in your inventory when you wake Duke Sucellus
  9. Cosmetic pet unlocks carry between leagues, starting with those unlocked during Trailblazer: Reloaded

November 19: Specialise in a Combat Style

OSRS Leagues V will encourage you to commit to a specific combat style, earning you special perks in the process. As you can expect, there are three styles in total: Melee, Ranged, and, yep, Magic.

To grow your mastery, you have to complete a series of tasks, which reward you with up to 10 points that you can spend unlocking a tier. With three masteries in total, and six tiers for each of them, you’re going to have to be picky

We’ve included the infographic above, which you can click on to expand it and learn more about the system.

November 18: Farming With Ease

Leagues V will make farming an absolute breeze thanks to the Overgrown relic. Let’s take a look at how it works:


The Overgrown relic provides the following effects:

  • Access the Seed Vault everywhere
  • Crops don’t die
  • You have a 75% chance to not consume a seed when planting
  • Automatically harvest and replant a seed if you have one in your Seed Vault

November 17: Even More Relics!

One thing we’ve learned for sure so far where OSRS Leagues V is concerned: Jagex loves a good relic. Well, on November 17 we learned about two returning favourites from previous Leagues.

Total RecallCreate a restoration point, and use it again to restore your location, hit points, Prayer, and Special Attack Energy to this point
Banker’s NoteNote and unnote items from anywhere in Gielinor

November 16: Teleport Everywhere

Jagex will make getting around the world an absolute breeze in Leagues V, thanks to three new Teleport Relics! These allow you to travel to a bunch of convenient locations with speed.

Let’s take a look at the three new relics:

Fairy’s FlightTeleport to any unlocked fairy ring, spirit tree, or tool leprechaun
Bank HeistTeleport to any unlocked box, bank, or bank chest
Clue CompassTeleport to any unlocked S.T.A.S.H, Falo the Bard, or non-killing clue step
The boss drops you can loot in OSRS.
That’s a lot of drops! (Picture: OSRS)

November 15: Better Drops

Everything is faster in Leagues, so you need to constantly gain access to better loot at a rapid pace. Echo Bosses certainly help with that, but what about the usual bosses?

Well, Jagex is boosting drops from those too. Every boss will now drop more items, unique rewards, and parts you need to craft the best gear.

OSRS has created the infographic, which we’ve popped above if you want to see what’s on offer.

Jagex has also dropped the following details regarding the new drops:

  • Parts for the Soulreaper Axe now drop from all Desert Treasure 2 bosses
  • You can get the Twisted Bow, Tumeken’s Shadow, and Scythe of Vita from every single raid
  • Volcanic Mine Ore Packs now provide repaired Dragon Pickaxes
  • The Brimstone Chest now has a chance to drop a fixed Dragon Hasta
  • You can now instantly convert the Tormented Synapse to an Emberlight, Scorching Bow, or Purging Staff

November 14: The Not So-Grimoire

Leagues V is shaping up to be an incredibly exciting new addition to OSRS, and the Grimoire has only increased our interest.

It’s a brand new relic that will provide you with access to every single spell book within OSRS, and you can swap between them on the fly.

Not only that, but you gain access to Rigour, Augury, Piety, and Preserve the moment you unlock it.

Here’s how it works in full:

  • Gain the Arcane grimoire
  • Unlock access to all spells and prayers
  • Swap between all spell books
  • Serves as the Book of the Dead

November 13: Echo Bosses and Rewards

Echo Bosses are one of the most exciting new additions coming to OSRS with Leagues V: Raging Echoes. These are brand new variants of traditional OSRS bosses that spawn in the world and require completely different mechanics to beat them.

As of November 13, Jagex has released details of all of the Echo Bosses you can face, along with the rewards you can earn for beating them. Let’s take a look at them below:

BossKingdomRewardReward Effects
CerberusAsgarniaThe DogswordInflicts every godsword effect on a target each attack
Kalphite QueenDesertDrygore BlowpipeRolls twice for accuracy, taking highest roll.
Grotesque GuardiansMorytaniaGloves of the DamnedDoubles the effect of the Barrows and Amulet of the Damned set effects.
King Black DragonWildernessThunder Khopesh

Thousand-Dragon Ward
Attacks twice and inflicts a lighting bolt if either is successful.

Gain immunity to negative status effects.
Thermonuclear Smoke DevilKandarinDevil’s ElementDoubles the effect of elemental weakness attacks and provides unlimited elemental runes.
Dagannoth KingsFremennikAmulet of the Monarchs

Emperor Ring
+30 to all attack and defence stats.

+15 to Melee and Ranged Str, +10 to Prayer, and +10% to magic damage.

(These stats are shared across the two, with the Emperor Ring having only a 5% magic damage boost.
HunllefTirannwnCrystal BlessingCrystal Armour Accuracy and Damage bonuses apply to all melee weapons.
HesporiKourendNature’s ReprisalCan use all combat styles.
Sol HereditVarlamoreSunlight Spear

Sunlit Bracers
Gain a stack of sunlight every hit, up to 20. This provides an AoE effect for each attack on all enemies within 3 tiles of you.

All healing received is increased by 100%

November 12 Reveal: Golden God Relic

Here we go again: OSRS will introduce a brand new Relic with Raging Echoes, and it draws inspiration from… It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

It’s called Golden God and it boosts the power of your Alchemy spells. Let’s take a look at what to expect:

Relic Effects

  • Spells have no Rune cost or level requirement
  • Items provide 15% more gold and you have a 65% chance not to consume them
  • When using a spell on a stack of items, the spell will recast until the stack is depleted
  • You can offer 20k gold at Prayer altars to get Prayer XP at the same rate as using a Dragon Bone
  • You can note all items you purchase from select shops

November 11 Reveal: Tier 1 Relics

Jagex has stayed true to its promise and has unleashed the first juicy bit of gossip for the upcoming Leagues V: Tier 1 Relics.

This is the first thing you will pick in Leagues V, and each of them will provide a different bonus to help power you through the early game.

Power MinerEcho PickaxeMining items are automatically sent to your bank.

Gain a 50% chance to succeed when you fail to mine.

Rocks won’t deplete until you have mined four ore.

It stacks with the Mining Gloves up to four ores.

Ores are automatically smelted and grant Smithing XP (toggleable).

Gems are automatically cut and grant Crafting XP (toggleable).
LumberjackEcho AxeWhen you fail to chop a tree, gain a 50% chance to succeed.

Woodcutting items are automatically sent to your bank.

Automatically burn logs for Firemaking XP (toggleable).

Automatically Fletch logs earning Fletching XP (toggleable).

Never fail to make fires.
Animal WranglerEcho HarpoonWhen you fail to fish, gain a 50% chance to succeed.

Fishing items are automatically sent to your bank.

Fish have a 50% chance to be automatically cooked, providing Cooking XP.

Gain a chance to catch fish a tick faster.

Echo Harpoon can act as a Net, Big Net, Lobster Pot, or Rod.

Hunter Traps won’t fail.

Box traps catch chinchompas faster and are doubled when caught, providing double XP.

Impling jars won’t break.

Never burn food when Cooking.

What’s New in Leagues V: Raging Echoes?

Leagues V will follow a similar format to the previous entry, with area locking making a return. That means, when you begin, you can only explore Misthalin and Karamja, and have to unlock the other areas by performing Tasks.

New in this version is Varlamore, which is relatively new to OSRS itself. You can access everything Varlamore has to offer from part 1 of Raging Echoes, so it’s actually the perfect time to check out everything the Rising Darkness has to offer.

Let’s take a look at everything else that’s new:

Combat Masteries

Combat Masteries is a brand new system within Leagues V. As you progress in the League and unlock new Relics, you can choose a series of effects and boosts that will help you in combat.

In effect, it gives you greater control over how you perform in combat versus previous Leagues.

Echo Boss Variants

This is the headline feature of Leagues V, and it basically provides you with new versions of classic OSRS bosses to defeat. There’s one in each area, and they require fresh mechanics to beat them.

Do so, and you can get your hands on brand new loot – not just new to Leagues, but OSRS in general. That includes new weapons that compete with the best OSRS has to offer.

This system is designed to get you to play in all new ways, and perhaps explore regions you previously neglected. It should help make OSRS feel a little more fresh again.

Tasks and Relics

These systems haven’t changed, but you will find a series of brand new Tasks to complete and Relics to unlock.

Leagues V Rewards

What we do know already are the rewards you can expect to earn by playing Leagues V. Let’s take a look at them now.


We don’t know what the Raging Echoes outfit will look like in-game yet, but that artwork above is eerily close to genuine OSRS visuals. You can expect it to look broadly similar.

This time around, Jagex has made the face design an actual mask as well.

Portal Nexus and Room

Again, it’s not in-game visuals, but you can grab the above cosmetics for your Portal Room and Nexus by playing Leagues V.

Here’s a full list of cosmetics on offer:

  • Portal
  • Scrying Pool
  • Nexus
  • Rug
  • Curtains

Virtus Ornament Kit

You wanted a new Virtus Robes cosmetic makeover, and Jagex has delivered. As of Raging Echoes, you can alter the appearance of your favourite Magic Robes with a themed colour scheme.

PoH Spirit Tree

There’s a new design for the PoH Spirit Tree. Again, it’s given a themed makeover, drawing on the Raging Echoes colour scheme, but this one was actually designed by the community.

Venator Bow Ornament Kit

The Venator Bow redesign is absolutely awesome, featuring a new projectile, and visual effects when you fire it.

What Are OSRS Leagues?

Leagues, effectively, provide you with an altered version of RuneScape, which challenges you to complete a series of tasks to unlock rewards.

Each new league sees you start from scratch, and provides you with a variety of restrictions that makes the experience a lot more challenging.

Completing Tasks unlocks new areas, and, therefore, more Tasks. Everyone plays as an Ironman, which means you can’t trade between players. You do get boosted XP rates though.

Given that it’s all about speed, Run Energy never depletes while playing Leagues.

As you progress, you earn Relics, which provide you with extremely powerful buffs. These allow you to progress way faster than in the main game, and participate in content much faster.

You can learn more about Leagues on the official site.
