OSRS invites you to explore more of Varlamore today, with the introduction of its ‘Rising Darkness’ update. It provides new areas to explore, a new ‘Heart of Darkness’ quest, and a quite frankly terrifying new boss, The Hueycoatl.

Varlamore’s new regions are polar opposites. You’ve got Darkfrost Mountain, where Hueycoatl lurks, and an island paradise, Aldarin. That’s pretty fitting given that we’re currently in that weird gap between summer and autumn.

Darkfrost Mountain has a wealth of content to explore, including the Proudspire, Tower of Ascension, and Twilight Temple. Meanwhile, Aldarin features vineyards, Moonrise Brewery and Winery, and the Alchemical Society. It’s here that you’ll learn more about ‘Mixology’, a brand new Herblore activity.

What New OSRS Content Can I Expect in the Varlamore Update?

There are also a ton of ‘Tales of the Sun’, standalone quests that you can take on throughout Varlamore.

The real star of the show is Hueycoatl though. Battling this terrifying monster plays a little bit like Monster Hunter, as you have to take out various different body parts as you defeat it. Shatter its tail to prevent a powerful attack, and aim for the head when it comes to dealing damage.

Finish it off though, and you can earn some fantastic rewards, including the Tome of Earth, Dragon Hunter Wand, Hueycoatl Hide Armour, and Huasca Seed. The latter you can use in the new Mixology feature we mentioned earlier.

We’ve put together a full OSRS Hueycoatl guide, including how to beat each stage and a full list of rewards for doing so.

Anything Else?

Wrapping up the new additions includes a Colossal Wyrm Agility Course, which features basic and advanced routes. As you progress, you can collect termites to bring to the anteater, Worm Tongue. In exchange, you can earn Amylase Packs and the Colossal Wyrm Agility Course Teleport.

The best reward though is a Varlamore Graceful recolour, which completely alters the look and colour scheme of your favourite outfit. You can also turn into a Bone Squirrel using the new transmog – right in time for Halloween!

There’s plenty to dive into in the Varlamore update, so go ahead and learn all about it by reading the official OSRS blog post. Or, if you’re sold, you can grab OSRS from Steam, Google Play, or the App Store.
