OSRS is back with another set of proposals designed to make Varlamore that much more rewarding. This set targets rewards from Earthbound Tecpatl, Delve Bosses, Final Dawn Quests, and the Slayer Dungeon, amongst a few more.
The way these proposals work is: Jagex puts the ideas on paper, you read and absorb them, then Jagex puts them to a poll and, provided the votes for are sufficiently high enough, the changes make it into the game.
Let’s take a look at what Jagex is proposing:
Varlamore: The Final Dawn Rewards Changes
The Final Nagua Weapon: Earthbound Tecpatl
The Final Dawn will introduce a brand new Slayer Dungeon that will, finally, provide you with the last nagua weapon.
This is Earthbound Tecpatl, which involves beating a brand new nagua boss. It’s a twin weapon that sits around the Sulphur Blades / Glacial Temotli level in terms of power.
You hit twice per attack, and here are the attack stats:
- ATK requirement: 55
- Stab: 72
- Slash: 11
- Melee Str: 64
- Prayer: 2
- Attack rate: 4
If we haven’t listed a stat above, then consider it a zero. For example, there are no defensive stats on this weapon.
Eldritch Veil and Necklace
Next up, we have the Eldritch Veil and Necklace, two new pieces of gear that could potentially arrive as Delve Boss rewards.
The Eldritch Veil is currently undergoing a rethink, so Jagex isn’t proposing adding it to the game right now.
The Eldritch Necklace is the next upgrade step from the Occult, and you can craft it by combining the Demonic Mark with the Occult Necklace. It requires level 65 Runecaft and Crafting skills to do so.
Here are the bonuses over the Occult Necklace:
- 2% more magic damage
- +1 Prayer
- +8 Magic Attack
- +10 defence
You need to have cleared the third delve and have at least level 80 magic to equip the Eldritch Necklace.
Thrall Upgrade Replacement
Jagex wants to include a new reward to replace the Thrall upgrade. This will likely take the form of a tradeable drop that will serve as a teleport item, allowing you to get back into the action quickly.
For example, it could teleport you straight back to delve 3 so you can skip the first 2.
Everything Else
The rest of the proposed changes are a little smaller than the above, so we thought we’d round them all up in a few bullet points:
- Avernic Treads: boots, which you can get by combining the Primordial, Pegasian, and Eternal Boots with the Avernic Catalyst
- Diabolical Aegis: A two-handed crush weapon that gets added to the Delve Boss loot table and features an attack speed of 4 with two hit splats. Its passive resets attack delay if you land a killing blow on a demon
- New melee weapon: Gain a melee weapon of equivalent damage to the Dragon Scimitar by completing the Final Dawn questline
- Antler Guard: A new off-hand that drops from the Custodia Stalker and boosts your Prayer and offensive stats
You can get a much more detailed breakdown of the proposed changes on the official RuneScape website if you’re still unsure.