Pokémon Go‘s Grass themed Harvest Festival is back. With last year’s event running in October, we were beginning to wonder if The Harvest Festival would return this year.
Well, it’s good news, as Niantic has just revealed that this year’s event will run from November 7 to November 12. So lets take a look at what’s in store.
Whats In The Wild?
As with last year’s Harvest Festival, this year’s event is fittingly Grass themed. During the event there are a host of Pokémon that will appear more frequently in the wild, and you guessed it… are mostly grass type.
Heres the full list of Pokémon that will be popping up more often during The Harvest Festival:
- Oddish
- Exeggcute
- Hoppip
- Sunkern
- Miltank
- Zigzagoon
- Bunnelby
- Small Size Pumpkaboo
- Average Size Pumpkaboo
- Large Size Pumpkaboo
- Smoliv
Shiny’s and Surprises
All of the Pokémon listed above appear in Shiny variants if you’re lucky enough to find one in the wild, so always keep an eye out. Some players may also run into a Supersized Pumpkaboo.
Niantic also revealed that this event will be the first time anyone will be able to encounter a Shiny Smoliv. A race to get the First Smoliv Shiny is on!
Unfortunately there were no new Dynamax Pokémon announced.

Can I Get A Bonus?
A handful of new bonuses will be running through the event that will increase your chances of catching Pokémon new and old.
The Event Bonuses are:
- You will receive double Candy for catching Pokémon.
- The chance of catching a Shiny Pumpkaboo is increased.
- Mossy Lure Modules will attract different Pokémon during the event, such as Alolan Exeggutor, Snorlax, Pumpkaboo, and Smoliv.
- The chance to attract a Super Size Pumpkaboo will greatly increase by using Mossy Lure Modules rather than in the meeting in the wild.
Challenges, Rewards And PokeStop Showcase
Event-themed Field Research tasks are available to partake in with rewards coming to those who complete them within the event.
The same can be said for Collection Challenges. Completing the event theme challenges will give you Stardust and encounters with Smoliv.
PokéStops will now have Showcases where you can enter themed Pokemon.
Pay For The Pleasure
As with all good things comes a downer and this comes with the Paid Timed Research. For around $2 you can access event exclusive Timed Research that includes:
- Two Mossy Lure Modules
- One Incense
- One Lucky Egg
- Encounters with Smoliv
Let’s Hope Players who decide not pay will still have enough encounters with Smoliv and its not a gated feature to push players into spending money.
To check out the official announcement, head on over to Pokémon Go Live.