Niantic has been a busy bee since announcing the next season of Pokémon Go, Dual Destiny. We’ve had the reveal of the Aspiring Dragons Research Day and Gigantamax Lapras Max Day events, and, now, the next Raid Day, featuring Necrozma.

Well, it actually features two different forms of Necrozma: Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings. It takes place in mid-December and features the usual event bonuses, tickets, and web store discounts.

Let’s take a look at what to expect in the next Raid Day.

Pokémon Go Necrozma Fusion Raid Day Event Details

BeginsDecember 14 at 2:00 PM local time
EndsDecember 14 at 5:00 PM local time
DetailsDusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma appear more often in raids
BonusesFive free Raid Passes

During 2 – 5 PM local time on December 14, Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma appear more often when you participate in Raids. That includes the shiny variants.

You also get five extra Raid Passes when you spin Gyms, allowing you to take advantage of the event.

Oh, and the limit for Remote Raid Passes increases to 20 a day earlier, on December 13 at 5:00 PM PST, so get saving them if you don’t want to participate in person.

Event Tickets

As you can expect from a Pokémon Go event, you can purchase a $5 ticket to get additional bonuses, including:

  • Eight more Raid Pass from Gyms
  • Higher chance of getting Rare Candy XL during Raids
  • +50% XP in Raids
  • Double Stardust in Raids

Weirdly, you can purchase the Necrozma Raid Day Ultra Ticket Box for a cent cheaper, and it gives you a Premium Battle Pass as well.

So don’t buy the regular ticket. It’s more expensive and you get less.

How to Fuse Necrozma into Dusk Mane or Dawn Wings

Right, so let’s explain just what the heck is going on with the three different forms of Necrozma. First, there’s that: it comes in three different variants.

Necrozma is the base form and you can fuse it with Solgaleo or Lunala to create the Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings variants respectively.

To fuse Necrozma, you need to earn Solar or Lunar Fusion Energy by beating the two different versions during Raids, so this event will come on super handy.

Here are the full requirements:

Dusk Mane NecrozmaDawn Wings Necroazma
1,000 Solar Fusion Energy1,000 Lunar Fusion Energy
30 Necrozma Candy30 Necrozma Candy
30 Cosmog Candy30 Cosmog Candy

You can learn more about the event on Pokémon Go Live.
