PUBG has taken a leaf out of Fantasy Football’s book by introducing its very own Fantasy League. It’s about to enter its fifth season, and you can get involved starting today.

Much like in Fantasy Football and the Premier League, you will need to have a deep understanding of the PUBG esports community and its players if you want to succeed. Or, you could just have fun and pick stars at random. It really is up to you.

How Does the PUBG Fantasy League Work?

Much like in Fantasy Football, you put together a team of esports players, who earn points based on how they perform in each match. In total, you can pick five players. Four will make up your main team, and you can select a substitute in case one of them doesn’t play that much.

You can also select a team caption, who will earn 30% more points. Make sure you pick your best player for that position weekly to try and top the league.

Don’t worry, you aren’t locked into the same team from the beginning. You can actually alter your entire team, including substitutions and captain, for each match. That way you can monitor how the players are performing and put together a dream team.

There are a ton of PUBG esports tournaments planned for the remainder of this year and next. That gives you plenty of opportunity to keep your eye out for the next big player or team.

PUBG Global Series 5 Dates and Event Details

Here’s everything you need to know about the PUBG Global Series 5 event in handy bullets:

  • Begins: October 14
  • Ends: October 27

Group Stages Dates

  • Day 1: October 21
  • Day 2: October 22
  • Day 3: October 23

Finals Dates

  • Day 1: October 25
  • Day 2: October 26
  • Day 3: October 27

Points System

Here’s how the scoring works in PUBG Global Series 5 Fantasy League:

100 Damage1
Eliminated before 10 minutes-3
Reaching the end of the match5

Rewards For Winning

You will periodically earn Twire Points as the Fantasy League progresses, which you can redeem within the Twire Fantasy Shop for the following rewards:

  • G-Coins
  • Twire Fantasy Gaming Char
  • Profile Avatars and Customisations

You can sign up for the PUBG Global Series 5 Fantasy League on the official site.
