Theorycraft Games has continued its war on balance in Supervive, with the latest hotfix nerfing Hudson and Brall. In fact, it’s nerfs across the board, with a selection of equipment items and powers getting slapped down.
The update actually dropped yesterday, but we’re reporting on it today. Why? Well, because, just like you and everyone else, we were too busy napping or playing Fortnite OG to notice.
Theorycraft Games wasn’t doing either of those things though, as the team is hard at work fixing up any and all issues with its new baby. Let’s take a look at what’s in the new patch.
Hudson Nerfs
According to Theorycraft Games:
Hudson has been on the top of the list of most frustrating Hunters to deal with since Open Beta started, and is close to the top in strength (even after a few nerfs in the Hotfix patch). Hudson should be strong if you dive into his position, not when he’s diving into yours.
Which has resulted in the following changes:
- Hoverjet charges reduced to 1
- Hoverjet cooldown reduced to 11/8 seconds at levels 1/2
- Base minigun range reduced to 1,300
- Spin barrels minigun range reduced to 1,150
- Base minigun damage reduced to 27
- AP ratio damage reduced to 5%
- Barbed Wire activation time increased to 1 seconds
- Barbed wire range decreased to 900
Brall Nerfs
From the keyboard of Supervive Games:
We’re going to project forward into the future for a second – say, for example, Wednesday – where we ship a Brall buff saying he’s underperforming across all MMRs (which is true). Future us got a lot of feedback that regardless of math, Brall is feeling oppressive to play against, so future us came back to warn present us, and present us agrees so here we are addressing some combination of bugs and unintended interactions. Future saved. As a high mastery Hunter, we hear you that he should be harder to play.
Thus, Brall has received the following changes:
- Blazing Spirit now lasts 8 seconds
- Flame Step no longer provides stacks of Blazing Spirit when dodging your own projectiles, or those of ally’s
- Volcanic Rebuke now reduces 25% of Wisp’s cooldown
- Minion kills no longer resets cooldown
- Brall can’t jump while using Volcanic Rebuke
- Volcanic Rebuke n o longer heals Brall if he is anti-healed or in the Death Circle
Amplifier and Power User Tweaks
Theorycraft Games has provided the following explanation for the Amplifier nerf:
We’re aiming to preserve unique builds that Amplifier provides, while limiting some of the extreme edge cases (often times possible due to bugs)
- Amplifier’s cooldown effect now only affects the version of the ability you’re currently using
- The cooldown reduction is now calculated before increasing the stack count
As for Power User:
We like that Power User is an option for Power-loving players to practice with and preserve their Powers, but we believe Exotics should remain as high risk, high reward items.
- Power Use no longer soulbinds exotic powers
Mana Cloak and Power Shuffler Nerfs
Let’s take a look at the changes to Mana Cloak and Power Shuffler:
We’ve heard feedback that Stealth is problematic in its current state, and we agree (especially in the ways that Stealth enemies are signaled to you, and in how difficult it is to track/counter stealthed hunters). While we anticipate more changes to the mechanic itself, we’re hitting a current outlier that’s causing significant frustration.
That’s the explanation for the following Mana Cloak changes:
- Mana Cloak now costs 30 mana per second
As for Power Shuffler:
Exotics are too prevalent in the game and too easy to come by. We’ll be taking a holistic approach to deal with this, but are disabling Power Shuffler in the interim to prevent extreme outliers.
Yep, so Power Shuffler is now gone.