Update: The Sims 4 Life and Death expansion has finally arrived, and you can purchase it right now on Steam. Grab it before December 12 and you grab the bonus Macabre Mementos digital content pack.

The original story follows.

Original Story: The Sims 4’s upcoming Life and Death expansion finally has a release date, and it’s very apt: October 31. Why is that appropriate? Well, it’s a spooky expansion pack and it launches on Halloween. Duh!

The big new addition is the bucket list, which lets you set goals for each Sim that they can tick off while alive… or dead.

You see, your Sim can now turn into a ghost, allowing you to pursue their life’s goals from beyond the grave. Or, you could just wreak havoc using the new occult powers and go all exorcist.

The Macabre Mementos digital content pack.
The contents of the Macabre Mementos digital pack. (Picture: Steam)

What if I’m Scared of Ghosts?

If ghosts aren’t your cup of tea, your Sim can be reborn anew, and placed in any household. Just because it’s Halloween doesn’t mean you have to scare everyone.

There’s a suitable new career too: the Reaper. This sees you taking over for Mr Grim himself, helping the newly dead pass over into the afterlife.

Dead Sims can pass heirlooms down to family members through the new will system, and you can bury them in a new explorable crypt. It’s all going on in Life and Death.

Finally, the expansion introduces a suitably spooky new town, ‘Ravenwood’. This is made up of three different neighbourhoods and features a cemetery, haunted house, and festival.

The town of Ravenwood in The Sims 4.
By day, Ravenwood isn’t particularly spooky. (Picture: Steam)

Macabre Mementos Digital Content Pack

If you pre-order the brand new expansion, or purchase it before December 12, you get a bunch of extras for free. This includes:

  • Lasting Legacy Family Portrait
  • Mournful Melodies Music Box
  • Plumed Elegance Mask

In case you’re not too familiar with The Sims 4 or its expansions, we thought it would be worth reminding you that you do need to own an updated copy of The Sims 4 to purchase Life and Death.

Fortunately, The Sims 4 is free to play. You can grab it right now on Steam and pre-order the DLC from there too.
