In a brand new video addressing the community, Throne and Liberty has detailed a number of huge changes on the way for the world’s most popular MMORPG. That includes better tackling the bot epidemic, world boss rewards, and the Eclipse skill.
The team is also keen to address issues with contribution during conflict world bosses, as well as introduce new structured PvP formats. They also touched on a number of systems currently available in the Korean version, and changes they will make to transition them to global.
Before we move onto that though, make sure to check out what could arrive as part of the new battle pass.

Throne and Liberty is improving the algorithm it uses to detect bots, and is running them daily to ban bots. The team is also investigating the areas where bots are rife, and are assessing how to minimise their impact on the game.
Primarily, Throne and Liberty is focusing on the auction house at the moment, which makes sense. The last thing a new MMORPG needs is a broken economy.
You may have also spotted this on Reddit, but the team is keen to crack down on real money trading. Anyone who has engaged in this so far might login to find themselves in negative Lucent. Whoops!
Moving forward, this could include locking them out of the Auction House entirely, suspending them, or, in extreme cases, banning them outright.

World Bosses
Next up, Throne and Liberty is keen to address loot drops issues for World Bosses. We’re sure we speak for everyone when we say that… they’re not great.
The first big change here is to increase the number of portals that appear for peace mode bosses, which should reduce the number of players whacking them like a piñata.
Throne and Liberty stressed that this will look like roughly one more portal per boss.
You also have a chance to drop a new chest, which allows you to select from one of the many Epic rewards a boss drops. That means you have a higher chance of getting what you actually want, versus a random reward.
These changes go live on October 31.

Eclipse Skill Changes
Throne and Liberty is going to make a change to how the Eclipse skill works on peace mode bosses during Abyss dungeons.
Now, when the boss spawns, an additional portal will spawn outside of the dungeon, which will take you directly to the boss within a safe zone.
In short, that means you don’t have to run through a PvP zone to take on a peace mode boss.
This change will go live during November.

Contribution in Conflict World Bosses
Next, Throne and Liberty announced that it will drop an article that will fully detail how loot distribution works within all content in the game.
However, the team stressed that this has come up due to the feeling that conflict world boss battles aren’t rewarding enough if you don’t get the loot at the end.
It doesn’t seem that the system as a whole is going to change, but Throne and Liberty will introduce UI elements that helps you see which player, and guild, currently has the highest contribution.
That will help you determine who to take down so your own guild can rise up the ranks and grab that loot at the end.

Substance Transformation, Runes, and Trait Resonance
Throne and Liberty has confirmed that both the Substance Transformation and Rune systems will not launch in the global version of the game in the same form as the Korean version of the game.
Most of these changes seem designed to prevent RNG, pay-to-win, and grind, so we’re all for them.
The Rune system will see the following changes in the global version:
- Rune slot unlocking won’t require RNG
- There will be a new Rune bag with search functionalities, separate from your inventory
As for Substance Transformation:
- Tradable items can’t be used, preventing you from buying items in the Auction House to feed it
- Throne and Liberty will evaluate how this impacts the system and adjust it as necessary
Trait resonance won’t launch in the near future and, when it does, it will also see changes in the global version.

Structured PvP
Throne and Liberty is introducing a new structured PvP mode in mid-November called ‘On-Demand Battle’. The team is remaining quite tight-lipped about this so far.
What we do know though, is that it will allow you to participate in non-competitive PvP in Arenas and Conquest Battles.
This will also allow varying different team sizes, as well as public and private match ups.
Player Survey
Lastly, Throne and Liberty will unleash a player survey on October 31 that will allow you to have your say in how the game is going, and what you’d like to see change.
Follow the Throne and Liberty YouTube channel for more videos when they drop.