Here’s an odd one: Fortnite‘s Ball-R Wheels skins have been vanishing from player’s accounts. Previously, you could earn this skin in Rocket League and transfer it over to the Rocket Racing, but it seems that’s no longer the case.

Well, for now. Fortnite and the Rocket Racing team has acknowledged the issue as of October 4, and will introduce a fix in a future update to restore the skin back to your lockers.

What’s the Fortnite Ball-R Skin?

The Ball-R skin arrived as part of Chapter 5: Season 4 of Fortnite back on September 23, 2024. You could unlock it in Rocket League and then have it show up in Fortnite for use in Rocket Racing. It’s an uncommon skin that you can paint in a variety of styles.

Well, you could until the bug started making them vanish from player’s lockers. Fortunately, it hasn’t affected every player, so yours might be safe. Even if it isn’t, you will get it back at least.

What Else is Going On in Fortnite?

In other Fortnite news, we learned in a leak today that three Disney villains might arrive in Fortnite in the next update, which is rumoured to land on October 11 alongside the Fortnitemares update.

The Disney and Fortnite crossover picked up a bit of controversy when the House of Mickey revealed that it didn’t want certain characters to hold guns. We speculated that this could mean select skins would only be available in certain modes in the future.

It’s not all doom and gloom though. October 4 saw the arrival of the brand new LEGO island Chasers vs Hunters map. Three more islands are set to arrive by the end of October.

Lapsed on Fortnite of late? Well, go ahead and grab it from Epic Games to get right back into the action.
