The long-awaited HoloCure update 0.7 is here, along with some lengthy patch notes. There’s a wealth of new characters, weapons, collabs, and items that will help make the experience fresh again.
If you felt HoloCure was a little too easy, you might want to check out the new Hard Stage, which ramps up the challenge. Or, if you’re more of the cosy type, there’s a wealth of fun to be had in the new Casino minigames or Holo House areas.
It’s not all new content either. There’s room for balancing too, with most characters and a few items and weapons getting a slight tweak. Let’s take a look at the full patch notes.
What’s New in HoloCure 0.7
Let’s start by taking a look at everything that’s new in HoloCure as of update 0.7:
Hololive JP Gen 3 and 4 Characters
There are a whopping nine new characters introduced in this update, and they’re from JP Gen 3 and 4. Here’s who’s new:
JP Gen 3 | JP Gen 4 |
Usada Pekora | Kiryu Coco |
Shiranui Flare | Amane Kanata |
Shirogane Noel | Tokoyami Towa |
Houshou Marine | Tsunomaki Watame |
Himemori Luna |
New Weapons
- Mumei Dagger
The only confirmed new weapon is the Mumei Dagger, which you can unlock by completing Stage 5.
New Items
- Raven’s Feather
- Ichijou Corp. Logo
- IRyS’s Tiara
There are three new items you can unlock: the Raven’s Feather, Ichijou Corp. Logo, and IRyS’s Tiara.
New Stamps
- Raden’s Yatagarasu Crest
Much like with weapons, there’s the one new confirmed stamp in the new update, Raden’s Yatagarasu Crest.
There are more collabs and super collabs, but we’ll keep this as spoiler free as possible so you can enjoy them for yourself.
If you want to see what’s new, check out our new collabs article.
Everything Else
Now that we’ve got the most exciting new additions out of the way, let’s take a look at the additional new features:
- New Shop items
- Normal Stage and Hard Stage
- New Holo House areas
- New Usada Casino minigames
- New gathering materials
- New action button
- Prism system
- Fan Letter system
- Menu revamps
- Each 1% crit chance over 100% now grants 0.5% critical damage
- Random character select with a button press
- Store and stockpile Food
- Holozon boxes now have a small chance to upgrade items
- Leaderboard removed

Character, Weapon, and Item Balancing
That’s a lot of new stuff, eh? Well, there’s more! Many of the characters, weapons, and items have seen considerably balancing to make the game feel a little fairer.
Let’s take a look at what’s changed:
AZKi has seen a complete overhaul, with a brand new Special and updated skills:
- Virtual Diva is now Virtual Saber
- Performance is now Geographer
- FPS Mastery is now “The Ame Way” and the description now details that the skill increases ATK by 15%
- Cutting Deep is now Debugger
- Aromatherapy can stun targets
- Mukirose deals more damage
- Belly Dancing has a new effect
- CRATical Hit is now Rat’s Ninja Way
- RatNG is now Harbinger of CHaos and features a new skill effect
- Taiko Drum Sequence has stronger buffs, they last longer, and the Fireworks deal more damage
- Special attack deals 1,500% damage, up from 1,000%
- Mogu Mogu lasts an extra second and gets a stronger SPD buff of 75%, up from 50%
- Kon Kon attacks are smaller but deal more damage
- NEKO deals more damage
- Klutz has had an overhaul
- Cat? Reflexes turns on Silent Pistol’s Stealth and has a stronger crit buff
- Acerola Juice has stronger life steal, but it only applies to your main weapon
- Nurse no longer needs a critical heal to activate, and instead just needs a heal of 12HP or more
Fan Beam
- Is no longer just horizontal
Devil Hat
- The effect now activates when you use your Special
GWS Pill
- Now increases the damage of your skill attacks, along with its usual effects
Vegetable Soup
- New secret effect
- Reduced heal
I’m Die, Thank You Forever
- Only creates one explosion, with damage increasing depending on the number of bombs attached
Unit Stamp
- The damage penalty is reduced
Reverse Stamp
- New secret effect
Read the full patch notes on Steam.