Jujutsu Infinite offers a plenty of options to fight against your enemies one of which is known as Cursed Tools. It’s essentially a different type of weapon that comes pre-equipped with special movesets and abilities to help you gain an upper hand during battles if used correctly in the game. That said, we’ve laid out a detailed overview of the Cursed Tools in Jujutsu Infinite along with instructions to get them.

Jujutsu Infinite Cursed Tools List, Moveset & Obtainment Method

Rusty Katana

How to Obtain

The Rusty Katana can be obtained as a common drop from chests.


One-TwoStrengthQuickly slash at your opponent not once, but twice!
Blade SpinStrengthSpin at very high speeds, rapidly slashing your opponent.

Purifying Dagger

How to Obtain

The Purifying Dagger can be obtained as an Uncommon drop from chests.


Dagger ThrowStrengthThrow a piercing dagger at your opponent.

Iron Blade

How to Obtain

The Iron Blade can be obtained as an Uncommon drop from chests.


LungeStrengthLunge forward and stab your opponent.

Slaughter Demon

How to Obtain

The Slaughter Demon can be obtained by increasing your grade to Grade 3 by speaking to the Clan Head NPC.


Slide SliceStrengthSlide towards your opponent, damaging them in the process (use shiftlock).
Demon ChopStrengthRaise your blade, lifting your enemy into the air.

Dragon Bone

How to Obtain

The Dragon Bone can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from Investigation Chests within the Cursed School Investigation.

Alternatively, it can be crafted with 200 Cursed School Keys.


MoveScalingGuard BreakDescription
AmbushStrengthYesRapidly dash forward, slamming the ground with all your strength.
Energy DispellStrengthYes (max charge)Charge your energy and release it, causing a large shockwave. Will guardbreak only if charged to the max.

Feather Spear

How to Obtain

The Feather Spear can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from chests in Shijo Town Set Missions.


MoveScalingGuard BreakDescription
Quilled JavelinStrengthYesThrow your spear, piercing your opponent. Aimed with cursor.
Piercing PlumageStrengthYesThrust your spear into your opponent’s body, slicing upwards and launching them away.

Viscera Scythe

How to Obtain

The Viscera Scythe can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from Investigation Chests within the Tokyo Subway Investigation.
Alternatively, it can be crafted with 200 Tokyo Subway Keys.


Visceral FrenzyStrengthUtilizing both ends of the scythe, furiously swipe at the air around you.
Rending SawbladeStrengthThrow your scythe at the opponent, dragging them out a distance and pulling them back in. Hits the opponent once on impact and another on the way back.
Sweeping MaimStrengthAfter a windup, slice at your opponent knocking them up into the air. Guard Break

Inverted Spear of Heaven

How to Obtain

The Inverted Spear of Heaven can be obtained by finding it randomly spawned around the map. The item notifier gamepass will show you its location if it spawns.

It also has a chance to be traded for with the Curse Market.

Passive: Nullify
Inverted Spear of Heaven bypasses any and all iframe moves.


SpearStrengthDash forward and slice your opponent. Guard Break
SeverStrengthSlice in front of yourself twice, causing your opponent to bleed.
Throat GougeStrengthBrutally backstab your opponent, gouging out their throat and stabbing them in the leg.

Spirit Soul

How to Obtain

Split Soul can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from the Soul Curse Boss Raid. Alternatively, it can be crafted with 100 Transfigured Humans.


Soul SliceStrengthDash forward cutting into your opponent. Guard Break
Soul StreamStrengthSlice your opponent then follow up with another slice sending them into the air. Hits two times.


How to Obtain

Vengeance can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from chests in Yuki Fortress Set missions.
This Cursed Tool is also able to be located by the Item Notifier Gamepass.


Unforgiving SnowStrengthSummon a bloodied shadow to quickly slice your opponent. Causes bleed damage.
Wilting SnowStrengthKick your opponent back, summoning a bloodied shadow clone to perform a quick strike combo. Causes bleed damage.
Rising SnowStrengthSlice upwards, dragging your opponent into the air and dicing them down with a flurry of slashes. Causes bleed damage. This move can also be used with black flash dealing increased damage.

Playful Cloud

How to Obtain

Playful Cloud can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from the Sorcerer Killer Boss Raid.

Alternatively, it can be crafted with 100 Heavenly Chains.


Playful StrikeStrengthSwing Playful Cloud three times, slamming your opponent with strength so intense that they fly backwards. Third hit guardbreaks.
Chained DropkickStrengthWrap Playful Cloud around your opponent and dropkick them sending them backwards.

Jet Black

How to Obtain

Jet Black can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from chests in Umi Village Set missions. This Cursed Tool is also able to be located by the Item Notifier Gamepass.


Shadow StrikeStrengthFlashstep forward, cutting down your opponent. This move can also be used with black flash dealing increased damage. Guard Break
Shadow BarrageStrengthQuickly barrage your opponent with a flurry of slashes.

Blood Sword

How to Obtain

The Blood Sword can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from Investigation Chests within the Yasohachi Bridge Investigation.
Alternatively, it can be crafted with 200 Yasohachi Bridge Keys.


Demon SlashesStrengthRapidly dash forward, slicing twice at the end of your travel. This attack also builds up blood orbs. When using Blood Pact, detonate the orbs dealing additional damage.
Blood PactStrengthDrive your blade into the ground, slowly lifting it back up causing a demonic ritual. This attack is an AoE and hits multiple times. Guard Break

Electric Staff

How to Obtain

The Electric Staff can be obtained as a Special Grade drop from Investigation Chests within the Cursed School Investigation.
Alternatively, it can be crafted with 200 Cursed School Keys.


Electric SweepTechniqueSweep with your staff, sending volts of electricity into your opponent.
Electric BoltTechniqueConjure electricity, sending it through the end of the staff to pierce your opponent.

Inventory Curse

How to Obtain

The Inventory Curse is obtained after getting Heavenly Restriction.

This is a unique cursed tool in the sense that it allows you to cycle between three other cursed weapons. Those weapons are Playful Cloud, Split Soul, and the Inverted Spear of Heaven.

In order to cycle between these three weapons, you have to own them. They do not come with the Inventory Curse.

Switch Weapons

Pressing the keybind will equip one of three cursed weapons. The order of these cursed weapons is always the same: Playful Cloud, Split Soul, and then the Inverted Spear of Heaven. There is a cooldown of 9 seconds in between each weapon swap.

Executioner Sword

How to Obtain

The Executioner Sword is given to you upon successfully defeating your opponent in “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with Judgeman’s Domain Expansion.


Death SentenceStrengthPoint your blade at your opponent, firing off a piercing light into them.
JudgementStrengthCut the air three times, severing your opponent’s body into pieces.

Turbo Mask

How to Obtain

Currently unobtainable in the main game. Only available in Sandbox.

Will be obtainable at a later date.


Squat RushStrengthRapidly approach your opponent while squatting on each stride.
CannonballStrengthLaunch your body at your opponent, tackling them on contact. Guard Break
