Once Human unleashed update 1.3.2 earlier in November, and the team is already following up with a new bug fix update. The primary goal of this update, it seems, is to improve vehicle handling, with all motorcycles, coupes, and off-roaders steering more responsively.
Elsewhere, it’s less exciting, with the notes primarily focusing on bug fixes. Well, it might be exciting for you if you’ve encountered a particularly game-breaking issue. Like, say, the game freezing when you press the escape key.
Starry Studio is also keen to highlight other issues they’re currently working on. This includes terrain changes appearing in the wrong locations, and an undisclosed issue with the Star of Tomorrow stockings. Oh, and the fact you can’t equip mods when switching tab pages.
Let’s go through the full patch notes.

Upcoming Fixes
Starry Studio began by detailing a few issues that the team is currently working on addressing, including:
- When placing buildings or using Thermal Towers, terrain changes are in the wrong location
- Star of Tomorrow fashion item
- Unable to equip mods when switching tabs
Vehicle Handling Tweaks
There are three primary changes to vehicles included in this update, designed at improving handling:
Vehicle | Tweaks |
Motorcycles | Improved the steering angle and turning grip |
Coupes and Off-Roaders | Will no longer lose control at high speeds |
All | Vehicle camera now provides a clearer view during turns |
Starry Studio highlighted that, previously, you needed too quick reaction speeds to drive vehicles at high speeds. This update is designed to correct this.

Once Human 1.3.2 Bug Fix Patch Notes
Let’s include the rest of the changes direct from the source:
- Fixed an issue where the ESC menu would occasionally freeze.
- Fixed an issue where vehicle storage boxes couldn’t be accessed.
- Fixed an issue where changes to certain settings weren’t applied.
- Fixed an issue where squad sign-up bulk invites didn’t work.
- Fixed an issue where some players’ buildings weren’t calculated correctly during season settlement.
- Fixed an issue with the trigger chance of the “Lush Foliage” effect in Thermal Tower tech.
- Fixed an issue where characters couldn’t be created or reforged after undoing certain makeup styles.
- Fixed an issue where the squad leader had to wait while members could enter a new season immediately.
- Fixed an issue where some players couldn’t receive the guaranteed Deviation reward from the Random Prism Deviation Gift Box.
- Fixed a pricing issue with the Polar Ghost Set and Polar Adventure Theme Pack.The price difference will be refunded to affected players.
- Fixed an issue where characters wouldn’t display correctly in certain situations.
- Removed Chaosweaver skill damage to player territories.
- Optimized how the controller cursor snaps to items in menus.
- Fixed an issue where the controller cursor moved too slowly in menus.
- Fixed an issue where the Sproutlet Conquest mode wouldn’t start.
- Fixed an issue where material tracking would cause the interface to freeze.
- Added a feature to send an automatic mail notification to the owner when a Thermal Tower is reclaimed.
- Fixed an issue where changing the weather with the camera triggered unwanted weather effects in extreme conditions.
- Optimized the completion requirements for the Wish Land Party—Easter Egg Crate task: players can now complete the task after opening the crate on any Eternaland.
- Fixed an issue where Growshrooms wouldn’t harvest crops.
- Fixed an issue where crafting certain Legendary drinks in [H37 Unstable S-Vessel] wouldn’t count toward task completion.
That’s it for this update. We’ll keep you posted when the next version drops, along with the full patch notes. Given the pace that Starry Studio puts out updates, we’d argue it won’t be long.