OSRS is back with yet another huge update, this time bringing the Wintertodt changes from beta to the live game. If you didn’t get a chance to test these in the recent open beta, it introduces a warmth system, which adds a whole new challenge to exploring the region.
OSRS is currently testing changes to Guardians of the Rift, and you can participate in that beta right now if you’d like a taste before it goes live.
What’s the OSRS Wintertodt Warmth Metre?
Finally, you can track your warmth in a visible metre. Success! While exploring Wintertodt, you will notice a brand new orange metre in the top left of the screen. This is the new warmth metre. You might have figured this out for yourself when you read ‘Your Warmth’ though.
This is effectively your health bar while exploring the frozen metre. You need to keep it topped up, as if it drops to zero, you die a horrible icy death. This introduces a wealth of new system to help you stay warm.

The first is gear that you can wear to protect against the cold. Here’s a new list of clothes that do this as of the new update:
- Earmuffs
- Cap and Goggles
- Woolly Hat
- Bobble Hat
- Jester Hat
- Tri-Jester Hat
That’s just the first step though. You can also reduce the cold by lighting braziers you encounter – fire is pretty hot, after all. Food also helps. Provided you eat something that replenishes at least four hitpoints per bite, it will recover 35% warmth.
You can also now drink Rejuvenation points for a 30% boost per dose. Warmth naturally regenerates over time too, so if all else fails you could just stand still near a brazier and let it top up to max.

To help reduce the impact this would have when helping Pyromancers, you can now click ‘Help Pyromancer’ to use a Rejuvenation potion on them.
How Does Your Warmth Metre Decrease?
Damage now reduces Warmth rather than your HP while in the zone. It really is just a replacement health pool. Having said that, items like the Ring of Life, Defence Cape, and Phoenix Necklace all work the same way, and will save you if you get low on warmth.
Rounding up the changes, you can now search the Reward Pile for the same number of times you would have earned Supply Crates. We hope that makes sense. The Reward Pile is right next to the bank too, so you can quickly pop your earnings in there. Result!
And, last but not least, you now get a Warm Clothing indicator in the chat when you first arrive in Wintertodt. It will tell you how many pieces of clothing you’re wearing, as well as how many you have to pop on to keep safe.

Varlamore: The Rising Darkness Drop Rates
Next up is changes to the recent Varlamore: The Rising Darkness update. These primarily affect the drop rates while exploring the region, but there are also a handful of changes to Hueycoatl and Mixology.
In terms of drop rates, Soiled Pages and Hueycoatl Hide will now appear far more often, and drop 80 (up from 30) and 2-3 (up from one) respectively.
You also have a higher chance to drop Huasca Seeds, Dragonhunter Wand, Tome, and Huberte. All rewards also scale based on contribution, and the player with the highest gets a 10% increase to the drop rate.
This should encourage everyone to give it their all, which is actually a fantastic idea for all future bosses.

Speaking of which, Amoxliatl now has higher drop rates for the Glacial Temotli, Pendant of Ates, and Moxi, and the Wyrm Agility Course has a chance to drop a Squirrel Pet. The chances of that are slim, but it’s a nice to have.
Hueycoatl and Mixology
Over in the land of Hueycoatl, Empty and Charged Tome of Earth now share a placeholder in the bank, the personal best time broadcast will now show properly in the clan channel, and you can no longer prevent being kicked down the mountain when the fight starts.
As for Mixology, you now get bonus points for submitting multiple potions at once. It currently sits at 20% for two potions and 40% for three. That’s on top of the points you received before.
You can now assign a toggle so that your potions are deposited into storage by default, which should help save your inventory. You can assign this in the bank options view.

Colossal Wyrm Agility Course
The Advanced version of the Colossal Wyrm Agility Course now provides higher XP for completing an obstacle (70 up from 62) and for beating the course (358 up from 325). This boosts XP per hour to 44k, up from 40k.
You can also now earn 12-15 Termites per run, up from 8-10 before. This is only for the Advanced course.
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