The latest Valorant patch notes for update 9.09 are in, and they focus primarily on bug fixes. This very much isn’t a balancing patch. While certain agents may perform better or worse, these changes are more in line with how they are supposed to behave.

There are also a bunch of map fixes, adjustment to modes, and tweaks to social features. Certain changes and fixes are limited to PC or console, while others are exclusive to specific platforms.

This is the latest update since patch 9.08, which very much was a balance update. It included buffs for Gekko, Yoru, Skye, and Jett while introducing a

In more recent news, Valorant announced an Arcane season 2 bundle coming later this month, as well as detailed the full format for the Game Changers Championship.

Now, let’s take a look at those 9.09 patch notes.

Valorant 9.09 Patch Notes Highlights

It’s primarily bug fixes for agents that make up the most exciting features for Valorant patch 9.09.

These include Yoru not being able to use the Nocturnum Scythe after Dimension Drift, Gekko’s Thrash jumping incorrectly, and Deadlock’s Annihilation getting stuck on ledges.

There’s also a fix to the Abyss map, which prevents you from breaking the doors in mid by shooting them from a specific angle.

The PC-specific fixes include dropdowns on the standings tab that includes invite division for all zones. There are also fixes where you could leave your party when the match found popup appeared to load into a match early.

In the realm of the console gamer, buttons that behave like radio buttons now actually look like radios. There are also bug fixes for the console block list preventing you from joining voice chat, and where you couldn’t send a friend request in certain instances.




  • Fixed a bug where the locking in animation in the Agent Select would not play immediately when instalocking. 
  • Fixed a bug where you would see a blank screen as a tournament coach during Agent Select. 


  • Fixed a bug where Yoru would hold the Nocturnum scythe incorrectly after using Dimensional Drift. 
  • Fixed a bug where Gekko’s Thrash had difficulty making some small jumps. Thrash should now jump more similarly to a player. 
  • Fixed a bug where players pulled by Deadlock’s ANNIHILATION would sometimes get stuck at the top of ledges.
  • Fixed a bug where players could outrun Fade’s Prowler during its Bite. Prowlers should now continue to track its target during the Bite unless the target teleports outside its line of sight. 
  • Fixed a bug where Astra would not receive the alert sound effect when being watched by Cypher’s Spycam.  
  • Fixed a bug where Killjoy’s Turret would not display the deactivation range on the minimap after switching between her Turret and other abilities or weapons.
  • Fixed a bug where KAY/O with NULL/cmd active could be picked up by Yoru during Dimensional Drift.


  • Abyss
    • Fixed a bug that allowed the breakable doors in mid to be destroyed when shot from a certain angle.



  • Updated dropdowns on the standings tab to include Invite division in the division list for all zones. Selecting an Invite division to view will change your zone dropdown to the appropriate zone.



  • Fixed an issue where you could load into Agent Select early by leaving your party as the “Match Found” popup appeared.


  • Fixed an issue where the Competitor Crest title was not displayed on the Premier career page after earning that Crest.



  • Buttons that behave like radio buttons now look like radio buttons (instead of checkboxes).



  • Fixed a bug where if you have a long console block list, you would sometimes fail to join voice chat.
  • Fixed a bug where you could sometimes send a friend request to a player you had blocked.
  • Fixed a bug where sending a friend request to a player in the console-friends tab sometimes wouldn’t work.

You can read the full patch notes on the official Valorant site.
