The Fortnite update today includes a bunch of patch notes. Most notably though, it fixes issues with matchmaking and logins plaguing a bunch of players. We also lose an emote (temporarily) though it’s easier to get the Wood Stake Shotgun. Result!

Speaking of losing stuff, earlier this week, Fortnite unceremoniously ditched the jetpack. That’s very sad news for those who were enjoying War Machine’s Hover Jets, but it was to make way for the huge Fortnitemares 2024 event. Grab yourself a free in-game cosmetic via Twitch to celebrate.

Now, let’s take a look at those patch notes.

Fortnite Update Today Patch Notes

Fortnite received a bunch of smaller updates today, most of which were fixes. Let’s round those up quickly in bullets:

  • Siphon Trials are now correctly active in Ranked Zero Build and Zero Build tournaments
  • Login and matchmaking issues are resolved

The Caffeinated Emote is Gone From the Item Shop

Now, onto the more meaty stuff, Fortnite has temporarily removed the Caffeinated Emote from the Item Shop, but it isn’t clear why. We don’t own it so can’t check if it still works when you use it, but we can confirm you can no longer purchase it.

Fortnite has made it clear that the emote will return though, but no clear idea as of when.

The Wood Stake Shotgun Now Drops From Chests in More Modes

If you keep missing out on the Wood Stake Shotgun, we’ve got good news for you: Epic Games has made it much easier to get. Now, when you play Battle Royale or Zero Build, the shotgun will drop from chests. Huzzah!

Battle Royale Duos Cash Cup Matches Invalidated

Over in the ME region, Fortnite has invalidated Matches 3 and 4 of the Battle Royale Duos Cup, though the time window has been extended to make up for this.

This is due to server instability, and Epic has rescheduled the matches for Tuesday, October 29.
