To celebrate Fortnitemares 2024, Fortnite has teamed up with Twitch to provide you with a free in-game skin. It’s The Carver’s Challenge Loading Screen, and grabbing it for free doesn’t require a ton of effort.

All you have to do is grab the official Twitch extension. Then, watch streams by participating content creators to collect puzzle pieces. Complete the jigsaw to grab the loading screen.

How do I Know if a Streamer is Participating?

To check if a streamer is participating, you should be able to see a puzzle piece. Click on it to collect it. You can grab multiple puzzle pieces in a single stream if you watch for long enough.

You do need to sync your Twitch and Epic accounts together to grab the reward. It’s linked up automatically, allowing you to use it automatically. It can take up to 30 days for the reward to appear though, so remember to be patient.

What’s the Leaderboard For?

Check out the Leaderboard section of the extension and you can see how many puzzle pieces you’ve collected so far. You can collect multiples of the same piece, which can help you top the board.

The Leaderboard is split into Channel and Global, which basically counts the number of puzzle pieces you’ve collected from the channel you’re watching, and then overall.

How do the Fortnitemares Twitch Takeovers Work?

Here’s a fun spin on the event. If you help a channel hit a certain threshold of puzzle pieces collected, the creator can ‘invade’ another channel. This sends a flurry of pumpkins to raid the chosen channel.

Those viewing the invaded channel can send the heart (<3) emote in chat. Once the threshold of hearts has been met, the takeover ends.

What’s Fortnitemares?

Fortnitemares is the name for Fortnite’s annual Halloween celebration. This year it introduces a number of new skins, the return of Horde Rush, and much more. You can read about it by clicking on the link in the first paragraph.

LEGO Fortnite has also got involved, with a Brick or Treat battle pass and a spooky new island, Chasers vs Hunters, arriving earlier in October and more scheduled to land throughout the month.

Grab Fortnite on your favourite gaming platform on Epic Games.
