Genshin Impact is gearing up to release its exciting 5.1 update ‘The Rainbow Destined to Burn’, which is expected to drop on October 9. Excitement was already reaching fever pitch, but now HoYoverse has revealed the calendar of Genshin Impact events we expect it to reach fever pitch.

Between its launch later this month and the end of the year, Genshin Impact will host a whopping 12 events. These range from boosted drop rates, to new quests, exploration missions, and more. Suffice to say, you should get involved if you want to earn the ton of rewards on offer.

Let’s take a look at the full list of Genshin Impact events in detail.

Forgefire’s Blessing

  • Begins: October 9
  • Ends: October 29

Forgefire’s Blessing is the new banner, which will see boosted drop rates for brand new five star Geo character Xilonen, as well as four star characters Dori, Candace, and Collei.

Bear in mind that Xilonen won’t appear in the standard banner while the event is active.

If you’d like to check out Xilonen before you drop all those wishes, you can check out the ‘Test Run’. This features the new five star character, as well as the three new four stars that also feature in the banner.

Of Silken Clouds Woven

  • Begins: TBD
  • Ends: October 29

Yet another banner that will follow update 5.1, Of Silken Clouds Woven introduces five star Chiori.

You can test run Chiori when she arrives.

Epitome Invocation

  • Begins: October 9
  • Ends: October 29

The weapon banner introduces the five star weapons Peak Patrol Song and Uraku Misugiri, both of which are swords.

Four star weapons include Sturdy Bone, Mountain-Bracing Bolt, Sacrificial Greatsword, Favonius Codex, and Rust.

The Rainbow Destined to Burn

  • Begins: October 9
  • Ends: November 19

Update 5.1 introduces the eponymous quest line, which makes up Archon Quests Chapter V: Act III and IV. You have to achieve at least Adventure Rank 28 or higher to participate, as well as beat the previous Archon Quest, Black Stone Under a White Stone.

If you complete these quests by November 19, you earn a massive 500 Primogems. Go go!

Check out some of the new music in Genshin Impact update 5.1. (Video: YouTube)

Tribal Chronicles

  • Begins: October 9
  • Ends: October 29

The Tribal Chronicles quest continues in Episode 5.1, with the introduction of Act III.

To unlock it, you need to achieve at least Adventure Rank 28 and beat Archon Quest Chapter V: Act IV, as well as Act II of Tribal Chronicles.

Beat Act III by October 29 and you get Primogems, Character Ascension Materials, Level Up Materials, Natlan regional specialities, and more.

Exploration Missions – Land of Vibrant Stone and Flaming Springs

  • Begins: October 9
  • Ends: December 31

Complete the new exploration missions in the new Natlan areas Tequemecan Valley, Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs to earn a massive 400 Primogems.

Aphid Treasure Trace

  • Begins: October 10
  • Ends: October 21

This event challenges you to track down and attack Phlogiston Aphids, using a net to break their Wards, then, finally, deplete the Abyssal energy within them to catch them.

Complete all of the objectives for the event and you can earn Primogems, Weapon Ascenion Materials, Sanctifying Unctions, and more.

You need to be at least Adventure Rank 20 and have completed Archon Quest Prologue: Act III. HoYoverse recommends trying to beat Act IV first as well for “the best experience”.

Reminiscent Regimin: Thrill

  • Begins: October 17
  • Ends: October 28

Update 5.1 introduces a brand new game mode, Reminiscent Regimin: Thrill. You can play this alone or in co-op, and it takes place over four randomly selected stages.

As you progress, you earn Thrilling Stars. Accumulate enough and you can grab some Primogems, Hero’s Wit, Character Talent Materials, and more.

You need to reach at least Adventure Rank 20 and complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III to participate.

Check out Xilonen in the latest teaser trailer. (Video: YouTube)

Genius Invokation TCG – The Forge Realm’s Temper: Clever Stratagems

  • Begins: October 9
  • Ends: November 19

Genshin Impact’s very own trading card game, Genius Invokation, gets its own dedicated event as part of 5.1. It includes four stages, which their own challenge rules.

Each time you beat the event, you earn points based on the parameters you selected. Gain enough points and you can earn rewards.

To participate, you need to achieve at least Adventure Rank 32 and complete the Archon Quest Prologue: Act III, as well as the World Quest ‘Battlefield of Dice, Cats, and Cards’.

Genius Invokation TCG – Heated Battle Mode: Tactical Formation

  • Begins: October 19
  • Ends: November 4

During the second phase of the Genius Invokation event, you can participate in duels under the new special rules ‘Heated Battle Mode’.

This forces you to use Character Cards selected on the spot, as well as randomly-generated Action Cards.

You need to achieve at least Adventure Rank 32, complete the Archon Quest Prologue: Act III, as well as the World Quest ‘Battlefield of Dice, Cats, and Cards’ to participate.

Adventurer’s Booster Bundles

  • Begins: October 9
  • Ends: October 23

You can save 10% on the ‘Adventurer’s Instructional Bundle’ for a brief period after the update drops. Admittedly, that’s not a great saving, but if you need it then it’s something.

The bundle includes 25 Virtuous Share Bundles and 150,000 Mora. You can also select any three star talent level-up material from the options available.

It costs 680 Genesis Crystals while the offer lasts, and you can purchase it up to three times. You just need to be at least Adventure Rank 25 to purchase it.

The ‘Adventurer’s Jumbo Ore Bundle’ is also on offer. It also costs 680 Genesis Crystals, but you can purchase it up to five times.

It includes 100 Mystic Enhancement Ore and 100,000 Mora. You need to be at least Adventure Rank 25 to grab it.


  • Begins: October 9
  • Ends: November 18

Participate in Sabzeruz and you can unlock the Gnostic Hymn or Gnostic Chrous. Purchase the latter directly and you can unlock the ‘Travel Notes: Sabzeruz’ namecard and ‘Model Dish: Not to be Missed’ furnishing blueprint for free.

You need to be at least Adventure Rank 20 to participate in this one.
